Creative Animal Hair Style Collections1

Nagi Noda was an eccentric Japanese artist, director and fashion designer. She was very popular with her hair hat series, just with some hair weaving, mesh and tons of imagination allowed her to create some fantastic shapes of animals like rabbit, birds, rhino, deer etc. Unfortunately her talent was cut short as she passed away in 2008 due to some mishaps during her surgery. She has worked in several advertising mediums and she was quite popular with her video “ Ex-Fat girl” featuring a exercise regime for poodles. Ofcourse that video is not for the faint hearted. In this post we have included some of her creative animal hair style collections for your inspiration.

Creative Animal Hair Style Collections1

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Creative Animal Hair Style Collections1 Nagi Noda was an eccentric Japanese artist, director and fashion designer. She was very popular with her hair hat series, just with some hair weaving, mesh and tons of imagination allowed her to