Hidden Message in Logos: Logos come in all shapes and sizes. They are important for brand identity in all kinds of business. Did you know there are some logos with hidden messages? Trying to find the hidden message in logos is like solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Well not all hidden messages in logos are hard to reveal, some are very easy to decipher. For eg: the Chick-fil-a, uses a chicken in the C, which is so easy to understand. Baskin and Robins an incecream company has 31 different flavors and they have put that to good use in their logo.In order to find the hidden message in logos, we might have to stare harder at a logo. the number 31 is not so prominent in the baskin and robins logo, but look at every aspect in the logo and i'm sure you will find it very interesting to solve mysteries. A perfect logo makes use of all negative spaces in a very meticulous way. Some hidden logos can be found in typography logo designs. Most of the logo designers create logos with hidden messages, which seem to show the positive aspect of a company. We loved reading the hidden messages in logos, you can also come up with your version of hidden logos.
Chick-fil-a logo has a chicken image making the logo look interesting
Newman is a classic simple logo which will be liked by everyone
When you are playing Pac Man it's always fun
Elefont- Can you spot the elephant trunk
Did you know that Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors and can you spot the number 31 in the logo.
Sony Vaio is a combination of analog and digital technology and the 1 and 0 means a lot in the binary world
Museum of London is a symbolic representation of London's growth over a period of time
Can you find a bear in the Toblerone
Prof Vaughan Pratt designed this logo for Sun Microsystems and it's possible to read in all the directions
This Schizophrenic logo takes after dual personalities like being sad and happy
Northwest Airlines looks like a compass with the N and W put inside a circle
NBC always look forward and never look back. It's a very strong message
Milwaukee Brewers - Can you spot the initials M and B?
London Symphony Orchestra - What do you see musical notes or an image of a conducter?
The Guild of Food Writers - Can you see a spoon in the nib. Well it's known for its famous culinary writing and great food.
Yoga Australia Logo- Can you spot Australia map in between the yoga poses of the woman
30 Brilliant Logo Parodies that say the Real Meaning of Famous Brands
50 Most Brilliant Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration
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