25 Mind Blowing Oil Paintings by Artist Ana Teresa Fernandez

Oil Painting : Ana Teresa Fernández’s work mixes her personal story with larger issues of gender, labor, sexuality, and race. The performances that informed her paintings in graduate school and during her Tournesol Award period portrayed her enacting domestic cleaning tasks in a little black cocktail dress and heels—ironing, mopping floors, and even sweeping the desert—next to the infamous wall at the Mexican border. Fernandez’ work continues to subvert the typical folkloric representations of Mexican women through the arena of Public Art and an avid lecturing career. i hope you like her oil paintings
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25 Mind Blowing Oil Paintings by Artist  Ana Teresa Fernandez

oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting

oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting oil painting

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