My Muses of Beauty - 10 Beautiful Watercolor Illustrations by Cara Alexandra

Caras Alexandra is quite popular for her watercolor drawings and watercolor illustrations, which seems to be the most in thing within art circles. My Muses of Beauty is a recent edition of her watercolor illustrations, where women are portrayed in different and beautiful ways. The watercolor paintings of the women give us a mixed feeling, the women seem to be more content with beautiful long hair and adorning pretty tiaras and flowers on their head. My muses of beauty is a pure reflection of women inner peace and beauty. Like we all know the saying, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Cars Alexandra is a self taught artist, illustrator from Romania. Check out more of her watercolor paintings on her social media profiles.

My Muses of Beauty - 10 Beautiful Watercolor Illustrations by Cara Alexandra

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Watercolor painting illustration woman bluehair by caras alexandrawatercolor painting illustration woman bluehair Watercolor painting illustration woman wildflower by caras alexandrawatercolor painting illustration woman wildflower Watercolor painting illustration woman woman by caras alexandrawatercolor painting illustration woman woman

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To Know more, Visit Cars Alexandra on: Behance | Instagram

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My Muses of Beauty - 10 Beautiful Watercolor Illustrations by Cara Alexandra Caras Alexandra is quite popular for her watercolor drawings and watercolor illustrations, which seems to be the most in thing within art circles. My Muses of Beauty is a recent edition of her