Rip Curl - 30 HD video cameras freeze the moments

Rip Curl - 30 HD video cameras freeze the moments

Rip Curl and TimeSlice, partners in the overall development, used GoPro HD video cameras to freeze an infinite number of moments that could be viewed. The major benefit being a better way of catching all the performance surfing the Rip Curl team riders were doing, rather than just a fraction of it. Combining our world class surf team of Mick Fanning, Owen Wright, Matt Wilkinson, Dillon Perillo and Dean Brady with the multi-frame array of cameras, gave us a Matrix style suite of "Mirage Moments", which pull the viewer in to the image, stalling there for long enough to enjoy a great move, before travelling down the line through the footage to the next Mirage Moment. The viewing metaphor for surfing in itself. Rip Curl has again created a technological world-first by capturing full-tilt surfing action using a "30 camera Array" -- a line of cameras firing consistently as surfers ride towards and past it. The results are unique "frozen moments of time" - that can be viewed in a combination of angles for a true in the round perspective.

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