Burst of Vibrant Colors on Canvas - 15 Colorful Oil Paintings by Patrick De Waegeneire

Oil Paintings by Patrick De Waegeneire are all set to blow your imagination away. The choice of colors, splashes and dashes on the canvas are some of the unique factors on his oil paintings. The geometric shapes kid face is equally stunning, the exact precision, choice of colors all worked well for the oil painting. The vibrant oil paintings was a fun project started by the artist and now it's one of the most crowd popular paintings in the social media circles. Patrick De Waegeneire calls himself an amateur artist and always on the learning curve. We absolutely adore his humility and we can easily sense he has a passion for wild animals and nature.

Burst of Vibrant Colors on Canvas - 15 Colorful Oil Paintings by Patrick De Waegeneire

Oil painting monkey by patrick de waegeneireoil painting monkey Oil painting clown1 by patrick de waegeneireoil painting clown1 Oil painting panda by patrick de waegeneireoil painting panda Oil painting lips by patrick de waegeneireoil painting lips

Oil painting gorilla by patrick de waegeneireoil painting gorilla Oil painting bear by patrick de waegeneireoil painting bear Oil painting eye by patrick de waegeneireoil painting eye

Oil painting god by patrick de waegeneireoil painting god Oil painting kid by patrick de waegeneireoil painting kid Oil painting skull by patrick de waegeneireoil painting skull Oil painting skeleton by patrick de waegeneireoil painting skeleton Oil painting sadpanda by patrick de waegeneireoil painting sadpanda Oil painting jester by patrick de waegeneireoil painting jester Oil painting child by patrick de waegeneireoil painting child Oil painting children by patrick de waegeneireoil painting children

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Burst of Vibrant Colors on Canvas - 15 Colorful Oil Paintings by Patrick De Waegeneire Oil Paintings by Patrick De Waegeneire are all set to blow your imagination away. The choice of colors, splashes and dashes on the canvas are some of the unique factors on his oil paintings. The