20 Photo Montage and Photo Manipulation works using everyday objects by Mohamed El Nagdy

Checkout the awesome photo montage created by Mohamed El Nagdy using Adobe Creative Suite Apps. He graduated fromBachelor of Fine Arts with specialization in graphic design. The photo manipulation works of everyday objects in a funny way is very interesting and inspirational. Mohamed El Nagdy is a graphic desginer from Dubai and he has worked at varied places. Photomontage works of everyday objects have been extensively used in advertising campaigns and other environments. A photomontage is a collection of photographs which are blended and twisted together to form an artistic image.

20 Photo Montage and Photo Manipulation works using everyday objects by Mohamed El Nagdy

Pantone photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdypantone photo montage photoshop Camera lens tire photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdycamera lens tire photo montage photoshop Excavator lens photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyexcavator lens photo montage photoshop Sole chocolate bar photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdysole chocolate bar photo montage photoshop

Microphone photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdymicrophone photo montage photoshop Fire extinguisher photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyfire extinguisher photo montage photoshop Blender photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyblender photo montage photoshop

Banana peel photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdybanana peel photo montage photoshop Football photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyfootball photo montage photoshop Hot air balloon led lamp photo montage photoshop by mohamed hot air balloon led lamp photo montage photoshop Smoking pipe photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdysmoking pipe photo montage photoshop Perfume photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyperfume photo montage photoshop Shirt ribbon montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyshirt ribbon montage photoshop Headphone dumbebell photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdyheadphone dumbebell photo montage photoshop Cigarette photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdycigarette photo montage photoshop Lips photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdylips photo montage photoshop Cone photo montage photoshop by mohamed el nagdycone photo montage photoshop Photo manipulation effect by chandrakantphoto manipulation effect

Know more about Mohamed, vist IMAGENATION

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20 Photo Montage and Photo Manipulation works using everyday objects by Mohamed El Nagdy Checkout the awesome photo montage created by Mohamed El Nagdy using Adobe Creative Suite Apps. He graduated fromBachelor of Fine Arts with specialization in graphic design. The photo manipulation