Uday Bhan is an award winning portrait watercolor painting specialist from India. He is a self taught artist and his passion for art has helped him win international recognition for his artworks. Apart from portrait watercolor paintings, he enjoys creating still life and other paintings too. Most of his watercolor paintings focus on the lives of rural people and their lifestyle struggles. Women empowerment is mostly seen in the rural atmosphere. The emotions, shades, wrinkles are beautifully detailed in his watercolor paintings. Uday Bhan holds a degree in Bachelor of Physical therapy and is a certified physiotherapist. Art and watercolor painting comes naturally to him and is a great stress buster. His watercolor paintings have been exhibited in many countries and are also part of private collectors items.
Portrait watercolor painting blue saree woman by uday bhan
Portrait watercolor painting rural woman by uday bhan
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Tag : Watercolor Paintings, Watercolor Art, Watercolour Paintings