Fluid control - 20 Hyper Realistic Portrait Oil Paintings by Mike Dargas

Hyper Realistic Paintings

The oil paintings by artist Mike Dargas are super hyper realistic. The fluid control over the subjects face is quite detailed. Liquids like honey, chocolate dripping on the subjects face and their expressions are beautifully captured by the ace artist Mike Dargas. Art came very naturally to this artist. He has been painting since the age of three. During his kindergarten years, his parents noticed his artistic talents and allowed him to focus on his art. He is a self taught artist. He sold his first painting when he was 8 years old to a family member. It's totally unbelievable this artist didn't have any kind of formal art education. His dexterity in hyper realistic paintings are collect worthy.

Hyper Realistic Paintings

Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman

Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman

Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman Hyper realistic portrait oil painting woman by mike dargashyper realistic portrait oil painting woman

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Fluid control - 20 Hyper Realistic Portrait Oil Paintings by Mike Dargas The oil paintings by artist Mike Dargas are super hyper realistic. The fluid control over the subjects face is quite detailed. Liquids like honey, chocolate dripping on the subjects face and their