15 Stunning Hyper realistic Pencil Drawings by Arinze Stanley

Arinze Stanley is a Nigerian artist who loves to represent the soul of individual life instances and expressions through his drawings. On a cartridge paper with graphite and charcoal pencils Arinze brings out enormous portraits of his subjects. Usually hyper realistic artists tend to bring a kind of ideal perfection in their art work. But Arinze focuses on realism overflowing in his art works with a sense of emotion attached to it. He takes more than 100 hours to complete a piece of art with extreme patience and perseverance. The pencil drawings of Arinze has minute details in an extraordinary way which makes it look like a portrait taken by a professional photographer.

15 Stunning Hyper realistic Pencil Drawings by Arinze Stanley

Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing

Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing

Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Hyper realistic pencil drawing by arinzehyper realistic pencil drawing Follow Arinze on facebook : www.facebook.com/Harinzeyart/

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15 Stunning Hyper realistic Pencil Drawings by Arinze Stanley Arinze Stanley is a Nigerian artist who loves to represent the soul of individual life instances and expressions through his drawings. On a cartridge paper with graphite and charcoal pencils Arinze