Walking into Fairyland Beautiful Portrait Photography by Olga Boyko

Walking into Fairyland Beautiful Portrait Photography by Olga Boyko
Women are transformed into fairyland creatures in the portrait photography by Olga Boyko. Walking into Fairyland Beautiful Portrait Photography by Olga Boyko. The women portrait photography are some of the few stunning captures by the outstanding talents of Russian photographer, Olga Boyko. The brilliant settings and the connection...

15 Funny and Bizarre Portrait Oil paintings by Koos Ten Kate

15 Funny and Bizarre Portrait Oil paintings by Koos Ten Kate
Koos Ten Kate oil paintings are literally bizarre. The figurative oil paintings have an uncanny approach. Orange haired people, potato face head, random eye representations are some of the unique features of Koos Ten Kate oil paintings. The figurative oil paintings have a contemporary approach to them. His oil paintings are mostly...

50 Best Photo Retouching Masterpieces - Photoshop After Before Photos

Photo Retouching
Photo retouching : Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo editing to achieve a...

Awesome paper pop-up card sculptures by Peter Dahmen

Awesome paper pop-up card sculptures by Peter Dahmen
Pop-up Card Designs : Peter Dahmen is a German based designer and a paper artist who specialises in the creation of pop-up-cards and foldable objects made from paper and cardboard. Pop-up card is the three dimentional object formed in front of the viewer's eyes which is already fixed in the flat book. Peter enjoys doing the pop-up...

50 Beautiful Boris Vallejo Paintings for your inspiration

Boris Vallejo
Boris Vallejo is an American painter, immigrated to the United States in 1964, and he currently resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He frequently works with Julie Bell, his wife, painter, and model. ( boris vallejo artwork, boris vallejo gallery ) Boris Vallejo art is never schematic, flat or lifeless. Unlike any other fantasy...

Top 8 Medical PowerPoint Templates

Top 8 Medical PowerPoint Templates
Numerous seminars and workshops are done every year, bringing medical specialists from all around the world. As a result, there is a huge increase in demand for medical PPT templates. Making clients, residents, or patients aware of certain medical procedures or material is the goal of medical PowerPoint presentations. Importance Of...

20 Stunning Photo Retouching works with Sci-fi effects by Vitaliy Art - After Before Photos

Photo Retouching After Before
The sci-fi photo retouching artworks is the creation of a russian media group, popularly known as Vitaliy Arts. The introduction of CGI effects with neon light is an interesting photo editing feature. Vitaliy arts mostly creates photo editing and photo retouching for advertising campaigns, marketing, fashion and more. Vitaliy...

10 Funny and Naughty cartoon character illustrations for Phone case cover

10 Funny and Naughty cartoon character illustrations for Phone case cover
Cartoon character illustrations are the newest trend for phone case cover. Children and adults enjoy these funny cartoon character illustrations on their phone covers, since it makes them look cool. If you are an artist, try out these cartoon illustrations on the back of your phone. There are many printing websites which offer...

25 Beautiful and Stunning Indian Paintings from top artists

25 Beautiful and Stunning Indian Paintings from top artists
We have listed top indian paintings and artworks for your inspiration. If you live in india and have a passion for art history, it's time you checked out the Ajanta and Ellora caves, where the first indian paintings and artworks originated. The most famous indian artists are Raja Ravi Varma, Abanindranath Tagore, Nandlal Bose,...

25 Beautiful Digital paintings from Artist Shane Devries

25 Beautiful Digital paintings from Artist Shane Devries
The thirty year old immensely talented Adelaide born Australian artist is one among many underappreciated storyboard artists around the globe . Some of you maybe familiar with his work , but not knowing its his . He was an illustrator and storyboard designer for the company Showpony advertising . Shane Devries works have this odd...

20 Beautiful Caricatures by Tamilnadu Artist Bharat KV

20 Beautiful Caricatures by Tamilnadu Artist Bharat KV
Bharat KV (from Tamilnadu, India) is well known for his caricatures as it has been his obsession from childhood. He has his own design studio and he is always busy designing websites, logos, mascots, print collaterals. He is also into writing HTML & CSS codes for his websites and he manages his overall projects. He loves to...

50 Beautiful Newborn Baby Photography ideas and Photo Tips for Beginners

Newborn Baby Photography
Baby Photos / New Born Baby Photography: Babies are so cute and every couple wants to capture their little one's every minute detail whenever possible. Just like wedding and maternity photography, newborn baby photography is a catching up trend. Every parent wants to document their child's birth, right from the birth room till they...

2D Photoshop Backgrounds from children magazines - Sporg Studio1

2D Photoshop Backgrounds from children magazines - Sporg Studio1
We are happy to share Sporg studio works today. Mr.Senthil kumar has good depth of experience in various disciplines of design and Communication. SPORG studio is the brand name he had created to provide quality service in art and digital painting. SPORG is a network of highly talented artist across India. Powered by these artists...

Creative Art works - everyday objects turned into funny drawings by Victor Nunes

Creative Art works - everyday objects turned into funny drawings by Victor Nunes
Victor Nunes' 3D illustrations relate to pareidolia, which is our natural inclination to give meaning to random objects. With his simple line drawings he gives an extraordinary touch of creativeness and forms many playfull illustrations. Apart from his passion for common objects, Nunes has an obsession for playing with his food,...

Twisted and Surreal minds - Paper cut Photo collage works by Ian Woods

Twisted and Surreal minds - Paper cut Photo collage works by Ian Woods
Ian Woods is Florida based artist who excels in creating paper cut collages in portraiture style. He focuses his artworks exclusively on people and he believes everyone is different. Woods says, "I love distorting faces". With the increase in technological advancement, artists are forced to think out of the box to...

25 Colorful Illustrations and Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

25 Colorful Illustrations and Paintings by Svenja Jodicke
Svenja Jödicke Svenja is an artist based in Berlin, Germany. Make-up art has really paced up over these years, like the body painting art and lip art. And today we will show us some amazing eye make-up from German artist Svenja Jödicke. Svenja’s work is inspired by all kinds of people, places, animals, and other...

Surreal dreams of Dimitra Milan turns into classic paintings - Surreal Paintings

Surreal dreams of Dimitra Milan turns into classic paintings - Surreal Paintings
Born in an artistic environment 16 year old Dimitra Milan had a natural intention to paint and she cultivated her own unique style. When her parents opened Arizona's Milan Art Institute, allowing her to take any class that caught her attention, it expanded her skills. From classical oil techniques to contemporary mixed media, Milan...

20 Beautiful Landscape Oil Paintings and art works from top Artists

Landscape Oil Paintings
Landscape paintings make great interior decoration pieces. They are a constant reminder of the beauty in nature. The landscape oil paintings are collectors items and the most expensive landscape art work was sold for a whopping $8.4 million and it was Claude Monet's,'L'lle aux Orties'. The second most expensive painting was Edward...
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