Fantasy 2D Digital Art works and Game Character Designs by Liang Xing

Fantasy 2D Digital Art works and Game Character Designs by Liang Xing
Digital Art & Game Character Designs : Liang Xing is a freelance illustrator and digital artist from Shanghai, China. His game art designs and digital artworks are quite popular on social media sites. Liang Xing's game character designs are powerful women warriors, wizards and they look very beautiful. Liang Xing creates...

20 Stunning Neon effect Advertising and Fashion Photography ideas

Neon Photography
Neon Fashion is not something new to us. It was quite popular during the pop culture boom. Neon photography and neon fashion has become quite popular amongst fashion photographers. It's not sure if it's a passing trend or here to stay for some more years. The introduction of cgi effects and after effects makes neon advertising an...

Fascinated Paper illustration project inspired by the movie Little Prince by Rafa Miqueleto

Fascinated Paper illustration project inspired by the movie Little Prince by Rafa Miqueleto
Rafa Miqueleto is a graphic designer and illustrator from Sao Paulo, Brazil. With his inspiration from the movie 'little princes', Rafa did his graphic design project Le Petit Prince. The right combination of geometric forms and typography along with the different colour papers and weights enhances the tactile effect. These...

Striking Indian 3D Models and Sculptures by Kallesh Thippeswamy

Striking Indian 3D Models and Sculptures by Kallesh Thippeswamy
Kallesh Thippeswamy is a senior game artist, concept art illustrator and sculptor based in Bangalore, India. Apart from many other 3D models Kallesh has created many Indian mythological Gods with exceptional details which brings life to these characters. In one of his popular sculptures Lord Hanuman is portrayed as splitting his...

25 Most Beautiful Painting Masterpieces around the world

Beautiful Paintings
Beautiful Paintings: In this post we have included 25 most beautiful Painting masterpieces from around the world for your inspiration. In this collection, all artists have created beautiful paintings using different painting techniques. The choice of color and light reflection in them are simply amazing. Some of the beautiful...

25 Beautiful Modern Textured Palette Knife Paintings by Christine Krainock

Palette Knife Paintings
Palette Knife Paintings : Christine Krainock paints modern, abstract art, textured palette knife paintings. She paint sin an impressionistic impasto style by palette knife creating contemporary fine art florals, flower paintings, tree paintings, landscapes, seascapes, metallic art. Her paintings are contemporary & modern -...

Swanky Digital Illustrations and Artworks by Pierre Klienhouse1

Swanky Digital Illustrations and Artworks by Pierre Klienhouse1
Digital Illustration: Pierre Klienhouse is a freelance illustrator. Pierre is also an award winning digital illustrator, painter and artist from Tel Aviv. Some of his notable clients are Stella Artois, BBC Focus, Maxibon, Virgin Mobile, SNCF, Krispy Kreme, UPS, The Museum of Communism in Czech Republic, Oxford University Press, Zack...

40 Creative King and Crown Logo Design inspiration for you

King and Crown Logo Design
King Crown Logo design ideas : In this post we have added 40 creative King, Queen and Crown themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are ClipKing, Cuartorey, Seeking, King & Clown, Alliance Cabral and Kingston. Please tell us your favorite logo design. king cup tea logo design by typeandsigns king logo...

35 Magnificent Time Lapse Videos for your inspiration

Time Lapse Video
Time Lapse Videos : It is a series of photographs are taken and used in sequence to make a moving mage film. Time-lapse photography is a technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured is much lower than that used to view the sequence. Time lapse photography can be considered the opposite of high speed...

25 Beautiful 3D Pencil Drawings and 3D Art works - Part 2

25 Beautiful 3D Pencil Drawings and 3D Art works - Part 2
3D Drawing take the art to a whole new level (pun definitely intended). 3D drawings that appear to jump right off the page through a combination of shading techniques borrowed from airbrushing, flawless perspective, and a few insider techniques. 3D Drawings - Stunning Ideas 3d drawing 3D Drawing - glass of water 3d drawing by...

Stunning Fantasy Digital Art works by Elena Berezina

Stunning Fantasy Digital Art works by Elena Berezina
Digital art in combination with fantasy is very vast field where your imagination and design skills play a key role. Elena Berezina has brought life to digital fantasy through her art work. Being a Russian professional her digital works illustrate facial features of Russian girls. Interpretation of facial expression of a girl in...

Open Mind - Surreal Ceramic Sculptures by Johnson Tsang

Open Mind - Surreal Ceramic Sculptures by Johnson Tsang
Ceramic Sculptures: Johnson Tsang is a sculptor and artist from Hong Kong. He is well experienced with ceramic sculptures and tries to test the boundaries of ceramic clay through his sculptures. Most of his ceramic sculptures are contorted faces which look squeezed. Through his surreal ceramic sculptures he tries to awe his viewer'...

25 Most Beautiful Indian Wedding Photography examples - part 2

25 Most Beautiful Indian Wedding Photography examples - part 2
40 Most Beautiful Indian Wedding Photography examples - part 2

15 Best 3D Models and 3D Character designs - 2018

15 Best 3D Models and 3D Character designs - 2018
15 Best 3D Models and 3D Character designs - 2018 3d models by jonathan giosia carok gundam 3d model realistic man by Mohamedabdelfatah 3d Model Monster design by Alireza Nasar 3D Model Portrait of Cassidy by Ianspriggs 3d model face wip character design maya 3d models poser 3d models girls 3d model marvel heroes ironman 3d model...

Accomplishing Fashion Photography works of famous photographer Ransom Rockwood

Accomplishing Fashion Photography works of famous photographer Ransom Rockwood
Ansom Rockwood is an upcoming fashion photographer whose work is been largely appreciated and followed by lot of people. Ransom's fashion photography is unique with no flashy clothes,heavily applied make-up or noisy backgrounds. He also dabbles around landscape, wedding and portrait photography. Fashion photography needs skills...

50 Creative Travel and Holidays themed Logo design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative Travel and Holidays themed Logo design examples for your inspiration
Travel and tourism logo : In this post we have added 50 Creative Travel, Holidays and Tourism Agency themed logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Dial Tour, Turio, U2Holidays, Travel In, Maldives, Wonderful Indonesia and Cheap Vacation. Please tell...

60 Most Beautiful Pookalam Designs for Onam Festival - part 3

60 Most Beautiful Pookalam Designs for Onam Festival - part 3
Athapookalam : Onam is celebrated worldwide with great pomp and show by malayalis.You can find beautiful onam pookalam designs for 10 days in every house. Varieties of flowers in different colours are used to create beautiful athapookalam designs.The arrangement of flowers in a specific pattern which form beautiful designs are...

Animal Doodles Creative Art Ideas by Rohan Dahotre

Animal Doodles Creative Art Ideas by Rohan Dahotre
Animal doodles is one of the favorite and creative art ideas by Rohan Dahotre. Crows draped in royal clothes, tigress wearing accessories and all set for a tribal theme party have been creatively portrayed by Rohan Dahotre. The artist is a wildlife illustrator and graphic designer from Pune, India. His aim is to spread awareness...
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