
50 Beautiful Boris Vallejo Paintings for your inspiration

Boris Vallejo
Boris Vallejo is an American painter, immigrated to the United States in 1964, and he currently resides in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He frequently works with Julie Bell, his wife, painter, and model. ( boris vallejo artwork, boris vallejo gallery ) Boris Vallejo art is never schematic, flat or lifeless. Unlike any other fantasy...

Zombies on the Prowl - Watercolor Painting for Children Book by Neil Gaiman

Zombies on the Prowl - Watercolor Painting for Children Book by Neil Gaiman
Look at the beautiful watercolor paintings by Neil Gaiman, all set to enthral the children. Neil Gaiman is a successful author and illustrator. He is currently lives and works from Portchester, UK. He has many short stories, fictions, novels, films under his name. What's interesting about his work is, he creates unique watercolor...

25 Beautiful and Colorful Oil Paintings by Cuba Artist Yunior Hurtado

25 Beautiful and Colorful Oil Paintings by Cuba Artist Yunior Hurtado
Yunior Hurtado is an famous artist from Cuba. His oil painting portraits are realistic and expressive, with strong feelings through the oil portraits. My canvases evoke an illusion of reality starting from an algorithm containing the movement of 24 frames per second. The intention is not photographic reference, where I conform to a...

Exploring Dreams - Creative Surreal Art Paintings by Chie Yoshii

Exploring Dreams - Creative Surreal Art Paintings by Chie Yoshii
Chie Yoshii specializes in surreal art works and paintings. Born in Japan(1974), she moved to USA and completed her BFA degree from the University of Massachusetts. She studied under the naturalist artist Adrian Gottlieb from 2002 to 2008. Chie Yoshii uses oil paints for her explosive surreal artwork. Her surrealism artwork is...

25 Beautiful and Stunning Fantasy Art works for your inspiration

Fantasy Art
Fantasy art works: Fantasy paintings have been in existence for many centuries. It was the method used by artists for introducing folk lore since 1820's. Fantasy art works are usually based on subject matter and the local culture , spirituality goes a lot into making these artworks successful. Ancient folk tales showcased some of...

Beautiful Paintings from playstation game Dishonored 2 by Sergey Kolesov

Beautiful Paintings from playstation game Dishonored 2 by Sergey Kolesov
Paintings : Sergey Kolesov is a concept artist from Lyon, France who is currently working for Arkane studios. Dishonored 2, the action-adventure stealth video game developed by Arkane Studios is brought to life with paintings of Sergey Kolesov. The strokes and shapes are absolutely gorgeous and every plane is a joy to the eye...

25 Hyper Realistic Oil Paintings by Hubert De Lartigue - Luscious Lips and Tongue

25 Hyper Realistic Oil Paintings by Hubert De Lartigue - Luscious Lips and Tongue
Oil Paintings : Hubert De Lartigue tries to create items of each Stock of surprise in his portraits, the way I crop 'em, or the expression of the attitude of the models. Aim the power of the portrait lies above all in the look of the model, Which is one time each Stock. All he has to do is underline the strength and the intensity....
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