
20 Stunning Copper Wall Art Sculptures by Pierre Matter

Copper Wall Art
Copper Wall Art Sculptures: French artist Pierre Matter is a well known for his stunning copper sculptures. He was born in 1964 and was known to be very restless from school. His highly imaginative mind was put into good use for creating monster copper sculptures, yeah i call them monster copper sculptures, because some even weigh 1...

Awesome Anime Character Designs from kids drawings by Thomas Romain

Awesome Anime Character Designs from kids drawings by Thomas Romain
The scribbling of the children finds nothing to the world but to Thomas Romain it meant a lot who gave his professional touch and created Anime characters through them. Thomas Romain is French animator who lives in Japan, who contributed in various capacities to anime series including Aria, Basquash!, Symphogear, and Space Dandy....

How to Draw Anime Tutorial with Beautiful Anime Character Drawings

How to draw anime
How to draw Anime: Anime drawings are mostly used in Japanese comics or better known as manga. Anime drawing is a favourite among young and the old. In this post we are going to see how to draw anime characters from the comfort of your homes. If you are beginner trying to learn anime drawing, start with squares, circles and...

15 Indian Digital Illustration works by Samyak Prajapati

15 Indian Digital Illustration works by Samyak Prajapati
This is an digital illustrator's vision of how Marvel heroes can be portrayed in the hindu mythological stories. Asura(evil god) is changed into Hulk, the eagle avatar is portrayed as Falcon and Raavan is portrayed as Doctor Strange. Different concepts of India have been beautifully visualized through the digital illustrations of...

Intricate tattoo art designs of German illustrator Diego Andrade1

Intricate tattoo art designs of German illustrator Diego Andrade1
Tattoo art designs moved into the realm of being a fashion accessory for both men and women. If art is to challenge viewers - to make a statement or alter one's perceptions then tattoos can be considered as art. Tattoo art designs are applied for decoration now-a-days but olden days they were done for religious significance or as a...

Ultra Modern Science and Nature - Digital Art Exploration by Sam Chivers

Ultra Modern Science and Nature - Digital Art Exploration by Sam Chivers
Digital Art: Sam Chivers is a UK based freelance illustrator and digital artist. For many years he was working at a digital/illustration studio and during the free time, used to combine his passion for drawing and science and ended up creating screen prints. Screen prints use only one or two colors and the depth of layers make it an...

Exploring Dreams - Creative Surreal Art Paintings by Chie Yoshii

Exploring Dreams - Creative Surreal Art Paintings by Chie Yoshii
Chie Yoshii specializes in surreal art works and paintings. Born in Japan(1974), she moved to USA and completed her BFA degree from the University of Massachusetts. She studied under the naturalist artist Adrian Gottlieb from 2002 to 2008. Chie Yoshii uses oil paints for her explosive surreal artwork. Her surrealism artwork is...

10 Amazing Hand Painting Illusions by Ray Massey and Annie Ralli1

10 Amazing Hand Painting Illusions by Ray Massey and Annie Ralli1
Hand painting: Ray Massey is an advertising photography, who specialises mostly in fluids photography. He teamed up with hand painting artists Annie Ralli and Annie Miller for an advertising campaign which goes by the name " You are in good hands". This hand painting series uses only hands to create stunning pieces of work...

25 Simple Mehndi Design ideas for your inspiration

25 Simple Mehndi Design ideas for your inspiration
Coloring hands, legs with henna paste or mehndi is a popular practice in India,Pakistan and Arabian countries. Ladies adorn themselves with artistic mehndi designs for every occasion like marriage, party or even wear them to office. Different types of mehndi is available like red henna,black henna, glitter, stones. Variety of...

20 Absolutely Funny Celebrity Caricatures by Ramanjit Kaur Gabri

20 Absolutely Funny Celebrity Caricatures by Ramanjit Kaur Gabri
Ramanjit Kaur Gabri is a senior caricature artist. He currently works as a freelance caricature artist. His celebrity caricatures are absolutely hilarious. Apart from caricatures, he also specializes in Illustration, Book Covers, zentangles, Character Design, Digital Painting, Photoshop, Watercolors, Oil Painting, Translating Prose...

20 Beautiful Caricatures by Tamilnadu Artist Bharat KV

20 Beautiful Caricatures by Tamilnadu Artist Bharat KV
Bharat KV (from Tamilnadu, India) is well known for his caricatures as it has been his obsession from childhood. He has his own design studio and he is always busy designing websites, logos, mascots, print collaterals. He is also into writing HTML & CSS codes for his websites and he manages his overall projects. He loves to...

Easy Wordtoon Drawing Ideas with Words for Children - DIY

Children Drawing ideas: Children's learning capacity is very high till the age the five, so one should try and introduce all new concepts in the initial few years of their growth and as they grow bigger, their ideas and visions will be streamline into one particular activity. Little children love to draw and color, so here are some...

Fantastical Natural Worlds - 15 Surreal Paintings by Mia Araujo

Fantastical Natural Worlds - 15 Surreal Paintings by Mia Araujo
Mia Araujo's surreal paintings are an interesting watch. She talks about the endangerments women face through her surreal art. It's not easy being a woman in this modern world, they have to face many dangers and survive in this world. The surreal artwork has lots of whimsical characters and creatures, which is very aptly portrayed....

20 Stunning Scrap Material Wood Sculptures by Thomas Dambo

20 Stunning Scrap Material Wood Sculptures by Thomas Dambo
Scrap Material Sculptures: Thomas Dambo is an exceptional artist from Copenhagen, Denmark. Everyday he goes about collecting pieces of wood and scrap metal to create his magnificient street art installations. All his street art installations have a tinge of humor attached to them. His brilliant team of designers have set up many...

Funny Satirical and Creative Drawings by Pawel Kuczynski

Funny Satirical and Creative Drawings by Pawel Kuczynski
Creative Drawing : Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist who loves creating Satirical drawings. He is a graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan with a degree in graphics. He has been working on satirical drawing since 2004 and he has received more than 102 awards and distinctions for the creative drawings. According to...

50 Beautiful 3D Drawings - Easy 3D Pencil drawings and Art works

3D Drawings
3D Drawings is an amazing form of art, where the 3d pencil drawings seem to literally jump off the page. Most artists use graphite pencils for creating the 3D look. Easy 3d drawings are usually small drawings like alphabets, characters which are created in a fun way. 3D drawings are usually drawn in a certain angle to give the...

Twisted and Surreal minds - Paper cut Photo collage works by Ian Woods

Twisted and Surreal minds - Paper cut Photo collage works by Ian Woods
Ian Woods is Florida based artist who excels in creating paper cut collages in portraiture style. He focuses his artworks exclusively on people and he believes everyone is different. Woods says, "I love distorting faces". With the increase in technological advancement, artists are forced to think out of the box to...

Steve Jobs Digital Paintings - Inspiring Collection1

Steve Jobs Digital Paintings - Inspiring Collection1
Steve Jobs' legacy will remain forever. His legend will continue to inspire everyone, young and old alike. May his soul rest in great peace.    
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