
50 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings from top artists around the world

Color Pencil Drawing
Color Pencil Drawings: Color pencil drawings are a fantastic medium to work on. Depending on the brand and quality of pencils, you can find them in different prices. Once you master five techniques in color pencil drawings, it becomes easy for any amateur. These are the five methods you can try with color pencil drawings: cross...

60 Beautiful and Realistic Pencil Drawings of Eyes

Drawing of Eyes
Drawing of Eyes : Eyes are the most expressive and one of the beautiful features on a face. No matter which part of the world you are from, your eyes can speak volumes. As an artist, drawing of eyes is a very liberating experience. Have you been practising a lot on the eyes drawing? Well, you can take it to the next level, by...

50 Incredible 3D Street Art works from the worlds best street artists - part 21

50 Incredible 3D Street Art works from the worlds best street artists - part 21
Street Art, often known as 3D chalk art is two dimensional artwork drawn on the street itself that gives you a  three dimensional optical illusion from a certain perspective. It can be mind-blowing, realistic and at the same time captivating once you get the angle correct. And creating one is certainly through and challenging...

India mythology redefined - Kerala mural paintings by Dileep and Hariharan Swastik

India mythology redefined - Kerala mural paintings by Dileep and Hariharan Swastik
Swastik mural paintings are co-owned by Dileep and Hariharan Swastik. The two artists are highly noted for their impeccable Kerala mural paintings. The vivid colors, themes and storyline are quite addictive in their paintings. Stories of mythological characters Krishna and Radha are beautifully portrayed in the mural paintings....

25 Creative Illustration and Artworks by Madrid Artist David Despau

25 Creative Illustration and Artworks by Madrid Artist David Despau
David began his university studies in Architecture but eventually graduated in Fine Arts specializing in Design. Since then he has worked in the world of design and advertising in which in addition to working as a freelance illustrator he has worked as both Art Director and Creative Director at several digital advertising agencies...

How to build a sand sculpture - Tutorial Videos and Tips for beginners

How to build a sand sculpture - Tutorial Videos and Tips for beginners
Sand Sculpture tutorials: How many of us feel awesome when we dig our little toes into the wet beach sand. Artists like to explore new mediums every now and then and one of the beautiful art which just stays for a few hours are sand sculptures. The artists lay out detailed sculptures of amazing architecture, characters, surreal...

Intricate Designed Laser Cut Paper Sculptures by Julia Ibbini

Intricate Designed Laser Cut Paper Sculptures by Julia Ibbini
Check out these super delicate laser cut paper sculptures by Julia Ibbini. The Jordan based sculptor and designer is the founder of Ibbini Studio. Ibbini Studio undertakes contemporary and modern art wherein the merger of human and machine interaction gives stunning results. Their laser cut paper sculptures have been showcased at...

25 Beautiful Digital paintings from Artist Shane Devries

25 Beautiful Digital paintings from Artist Shane Devries
The thirty year old immensely talented Adelaide born Australian artist is one among many underappreciated storyboard artists around the globe . Some of you maybe familiar with his work , but not knowing its his . He was an illustrator and storyboard designer for the company Showpony advertising . Shane Devries works have this odd...

15 Hilarious Caricatures of Indian Politicians and Celebrities By Hasif Khan

15 Hilarious Caricatures of Indian Politicians and Celebrities By Hasif Khan
Hasif Khan is an Indian caricature artist. He is quite popular for his political caricatures. His caricature works are mostly featured in the popular tamil magazine 'Ananda Vikatan'. Apart from political caricatures, he also creates funny caricatures of popular celebrities. Hasif Khan is an illustrator and graphic designer from...

15 Cute Adorable Portrait Drawings of Celebrities by Lera Kiryakova

15 Cute Adorable Portrait Drawings of Celebrities by Lera Kiryakova
Lera's portrait drawings are cute and funny mostly features her favorite movie characters. Her portrait drawings are hand drawn using color pencils. Lera Kiryakova is a russian illustrator and artist who is extremely popular for her celebrity portrait drawings. We find her portrait drawings quite sazzy, there is touch of naughtiness...

20 Realistic Pencil Drawings from famous artists around the world - 2018

20 Realistic Pencil Drawings from famous artists around the world - 2018
We have listed pencil drawings which are hyper realistic and bold. Pencil drawings usually start as doodles at a young age and based on the artist's interest he/she can take up a full time/part time courses from some of the top art colleges and fine tune their skills. Realistic pencil drawings are very tricky, since it needs...

25 Realistic Wood Sculpture Art works by Giuseppe Rumerio

Wood Sculpture
Wood Sculpture Art works : As a sculptor I have received the highest certification of "Master Artist." With over 30 years experience, I continue to create new works, both in wood and in bronze. My great passion is observing animals; therefore much of my work shows them in their natural style. I have carved all sizes,...

Stunning and intricate Digital Art illustrations by Jonathan Ball

Stunning and intricate Digital Art illustrations by Jonathan Ball
Digital Art : Jonathan Ball is a digital artist and character designer based in Cardiff, United Kingdom. The creative and colourful creatures that have been informed by a life-long exposure to game and cartoon culture forms the world of Jonathan Ball. His expression of art is nature on steroids or the ever busy urban...

Fight with their own creator - Funny Drawing ideas by Alex Solis

Fight with their own creator - Funny Drawing ideas by Alex Solis
We have listed the funny drawing ideas and creative cartoon illustrations by Alex Solis. He is an artist, illustrator, character designer from Chicago. He is the owner and ceo of the graphic design company Oddworx. He is available for commission works and can be contacted through his website. Funny cartoon drawings are a favorite of...

3D Models recreated from old famous Picasso Paintings by Omar Aqil - Art to 3D

3D Models recreated from old famous Picasso Paintings by Omar Aqil - Art to 3D
Omar Aqil is a digital artist, illustrator and typographist from Pakistan. He draws inspiration from the great artist and sculptor Pablo Picasso. He recently came up with 3d model character renderings based on Pablo picasso's sculptures. He enjoys working on experimental digital art. His 3d models are mostly abstract models inspired...

35 Beautiful Dog Paintings and from top artists around the world

Dog Paintings
Dog Paintings: Dog's are man's best friends and it's always wonderful to have your favourite pet on canvas as an oil painting hanging in your hall. If you don't have a pet yet, why not frame one of these beautiful dog painting and hang them in your favourite spot. It's extremely difficult to make these wonderful dogs to stand still...

15 Amazing Wooden Art Installation works of Newyork artist Ben Butler

15 Amazing Wooden Art Installation works of Newyork artist Ben Butler
Ben Butler, a sculpture and a public artist who works in Memphis, Tennessee and Quoque, New York. Ben's wooden sculpture looks like a complex structure but they evolve from simple and delicate processes. The marvellous array of grids that stretch to form the wooden sculpture looks magnificent when it hangs around. Ben plays with...
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