
Innovative Brand Identity Designs for Mon-Avocat by France Design Agency Grapheine

Innovative Brand Identity Designs for Mon-Avocat by France Design Agency Grapheine
The bar council of France has a site for hiring lawyers - mom-avocat(my lawyer) and Grapheine has created the brand identity design for them. There are around 70,000 lawyers around France registered on the site from where anyone can hire them. The Hamon law of 2014 enabled the formation of this start-up in 2015 which permitted...

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter

Stunning Digital Art works and Movie Poster Designs by Paul Zeaiter
In this post you will be able to see creative digital art works and poster designs from Paul Zeaiter's gallery. He was born in Australia. During his childhood he enjoyed sci-fi movies, heavy metal and so on. His love for music and art allowed him to take on an apprenticeship in some of Sydney's upscale design studios. He took a...

Spectacular Illustrations by Italian Illustrator Paolo Domeniconi

Spectacular Illustrations by Italian Illustrator Paolo Domeniconi
Digital illustration : Paolo Domeniconi is an illustrator based in Italy who specialises in childrens illustrations. He has published several books with main publishers including The creative company. Paolo’s illustrations has different dry composition brushes. None of the surface has those same shades. This meets...

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks
Icons are the signs and sentinels that guide visitors through the digital world. Computer users have become accustomed to clicking on a miniature disk to save, a tiny printer to print or an open manila folder to open a document. All symbols logically relate to their function making it simple for users to navigate. If a picture is...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2
Jean-Yves Lemoigne is an advertising photographer since 2004. He works with the top creatives agencies in the world : DDB, BBH, EuroRSCG, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, TBWA, Wieden & Kennedy … His advertising work does not look like classic advertising and has been awarded many times.

30 Creative Brochure Design inspiration for you

30 Creative Brochure Design inspiration for you
Brochures are mainly used for advertising purposes by a company. Slazzy brochure designs are created by graphic designers to promote a business. Ever since the world has gone digital, business need unique brochure designs which inturn will promote their businesses.Here we have added the following 30 Best and Creative Brochure...

30 Creative Food Packaging Design examples around the world

Food Packaging
Food Packaging : First impressions make all the difference, especially in a fast-paced age when everyone is just too busy to take a step back to wait and see. Effective food packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to stand out from the rest....

25 Best and Beautiful Indian Movie Poster design ideas - 2018

Indian movie poster designs
We have listed creative and beautiful indian movie poster designs from some talented design studios in India. Film industries like Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood, Pollywood, Sandalwood, Ollywood depend on top graphic design studios and teams to create stunning indian poster designs which are inspired from script. Movie poster...

60 Creative Bird Logo Designs and Ideas for your inspiration

Bird Logo
Bird logo designs: Logo design is an important part of every graphic designer's profile. No business is prominent without an unique logo design. Many birds have their own symbolisms and bird logo designs can be created based on those unique natures of the birds. For eg, eagles, lions are used to show strength, authority and can be...

Professional Brand Identity Process of Citeco by Grapheine

Professional Brand Identity Process of Citeco by Grapheine
Citeco is Europe's first museum dedicated to economics which gives a better reach to the economic culture through educational and fun way. There are collective games, videos and multimedia installations that can be accessed by the citizens. Citeco wanted to develop a cohesive and professional brand identity as a part of an...

30 Creative and Funny Photo manipulations for your Inspiration - Cubism

30 Creative and Funny Photo manipulations for your Inspiration - Cubism
Funny Photo manipulation Funny Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. In this post we have added 30 funny photo manipulation works for you.  Egg Funny...

35 Creative Home page designs - Web Design Showcase

35 Creative Home page designs - Web Design Showcase
LightCMS Eighty8Four Solo Saturized Collision Eddie Diaz Happycom MFG Labs PSD to WP Themify Igor Chudy Assistly Admin Templates Kaleidoscope Hungarian Wine Society Sparks Online Website Design Scozzese Website Design The Black Eye Project Website Design digitouch! Website Design Moment Skis Website...

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration
Effective business card designs are very simple and to the point, since clients don't have the time to read your narrative story. Business cards are usually designed by graphic designers and website designers using Adobe Photoshop.But if you are feeling creative, there are many online softwares available which allows you to select a...

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine

Splendid Digital Artworks and mosaic portraits of Charis Tsevis for Womankind Magazine
Digital Art : Charis Tsevis is a splendid visual artist living and working in Athens, Greece. He is famous throughout the world for his imaginative skill and has worked for organizations like Nike, PepsiCo, Toyota and IKEA. Every single creation of him portrays a solitary component – a man, a question or a creature –...

30 Modern Office Design ideas and Home Office Design Tips

Office Design
Modern and Home Office design Ideas : Are you a bit cramped for space or are you looking to add some splash of colour to your office, here are some awesome tips for both home office design and modern office design. In this post we have added 30 Beautiful Home office design ideas and Modern office design ideas. "A well designed...

40 Creative Rooster and Chicken Logo Design examples

40 Creative Rooster and Chicken Logo Design examples
Chiken and rooster logo design : In this post we have added 40 Best Rooster and Chicken logo design examples for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Redneck Recipes, Gallo, Kitchen King, C cock and Red Rooster. best rooster logo design chicken recipes logo design creative rooster logo design rooster breakfast logo...

30 Brilliant Animal Logo design examples for your inspiration

30 Brilliant Animal Logo design examples for your inspiration
Creative Animal Logo Design: Every business needs a strong and simple animal logo design to promote their business and to bring in a positive response. Some businesses use lion as their central part of their animal logos to reign in their positivity and to show the confidence in their product. We all know that the lion is the king...

Lorenz Valentino teases celebrities’ photos by Photoshopping himself inside

Lorenz Valentino teases celebrities’ photos by Photoshopping himself inside
Lorenz Valentino is a graphic designer from Germany. Lorenz Valentino is also known as Aka Dino in the art circles. His photoshop skills are truly unbelievable. He takes these epic photos and through photo manipulation, he becomes part of the scene in his funny dinosaur onesie. Remember the 'Time Machine' movie, where the scientist...
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