
How to Design to design Safari icon by illustrator

How to Design to design Safari icon by illustrator
The Safari browser from Apple has a great little icon that works well in small formats while also displaying quite a lot of intricate details when viewed in large format. Navigate through this Adobe Illustrator tutorial to draw up your own vector Safari inspired compass in Adobe Illustrator. Apple Safari Icon As usual start with a...

30 Best Motivational Quotes and Typography Design inspiration

Motivational Quotes
Motivational Quotes: Everyone needs a little bit of push to move up the success ladder, so here we present you amazing motivational poster designs which is sure to boost your confidence. Here is a motivational quote from the bible,Psalm 138:3; “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my...

20 Beautiful and Professional Free Wordpress Themes for your inspiration

Free wordpress themes
Free wordpress themes are sometimes loaded with the cool looking webpages and overall design. If you are looking for professional wordpress themes, then one should opt for premium wordpress themes, which mostly have strong code and support team. If you are looking to build a website, use these beautiful wordpress themes, which look...

Magical Nights - Fantasy Photoshop Manipulation ideas by Marco Zagara

Magical Nights - Fantasy Photoshop Manipulation ideas by Marco Zagara
Marco Zagara's photo manipulations are literally like a bolt from the sky. His photo manipulations are whimsical and have a beautiful magical allure to it. He likes to experiment with different kinds of themse for instance Van Gogh painting background, with a modern van amongst it. He enjoys using cool colors since they seem very...

50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers

Photo Manipulations
Have you heard of the term, your photo has been photoshopped? Well, it's a neat trick by graphic designers for manipulation of your photos. With a little bit of blending and merging the photos, the graphic designers allow their inner creativity flow through the photos. Photo manipulation works are very personal and it takes you to a...

50 Creative Resume Design Samples that will make you rethink your CV

Resume Designs
Resume Design: Your CV talks a lot about you and your career. So if you want to have a lucrative career, it's important to have a professional resume design. You can choose to go trendy or stay traditional using hand written resumes, it should definitely have all the information you require to land yourself a big job. You might be...

30 Best Logo Design ideas from top designers around the world - 2018

30 Best Logo Design ideas from top designers around the world - 2018
We have listed some of the best logo designs created by some of the popular logo designers around the world. Some of the best logos around the world are: Walmart, Shell, Microsoft, Apple, Mcdonald's, IBM, Samsung, Toyota, Tesco, Colgate and more. Best logo designs create a visual identity for all kind of product/business or service...

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance

Creative 3D Typography Designs from Huawei Advertisement by Arnold Furance
In this post we have added some of creative 3D Typogrphy advertisement designs from "Arnold Furnace" for your inspiration. Arnold Furnace: Lennon and McCartney, Torvill and Dean, Beavis and Butthead. History is littered with beautiful pairings. Shining examples of how creativity and big thinking are so much more than...

50 Creative Branding and Identity Design examples for your inspiration

Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you
Subliminal advertising: Sometimes the best way to pass on a crude message is through subliminal ads. They tend to reach the audience in a much faster way. The human brain is tuned in such way to grasp the negative details much faster than the positive ones. So if we want people to give up smoking, subliminal advertisement with...

20 Stunning Neon effect Advertising and Fashion Photography ideas

Neon Photography
Neon Fashion is not something new to us. It was quite popular during the pop culture boom. Neon photography and neon fashion has become quite popular amongst fashion photographers. It's not sure if it's a passing trend or here to stay for some more years. The introduction of cgi effects and after effects makes neon advertising an...

30 Best Animal Advertising designs and Creative Ads around the world

Creative Ads
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

25 Creative Photoshop Sparkling Effects and Photo manipulation works for your inspiration

25 Creative Photoshop Sparkling Effects and Photo manipulation works for your inspiration
There are many free photoshop brushes are available for creating Glow / light effects. Fortunately, Photoshop makes them extremely easy to create custom brushes shapes, thanks to the powerful brush controls that were introduced in Photoshop CS5, which are powerful and useful today! Here are the inspiring collection of sparkle...

500 Free Photoshop Layer Styles For Designers - Download Now

Photoshop Layer Styles
Download Free Photoshop Layer Styles : In this post we have added 500+ good quality photoshop layer styles for you. you can apply these styles to your text / buttons / images of your design in photoshop. Free download photoshop layer styles, Metal effect photoshop layer style Download   Steel metal effect Photoshop layer style...

30 Futuristic Sci-Fi Characters and Backgrounds for your inspiration

Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginative content such as futuristic settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas...

70 Best and Creative Flower Logo design ideas for your inspiration

Flower Logo
We have listed some of the creative and best flower logo designs for you. Flowers are a joy to the world and they bring in positivity to the world. Flower seeds when they hit dirt, they turn into lovely plants and in return produce beautiful flowers, likewise flower logos pave way to new opportunities. Flower logo designs are mostly...

Gorgeous and provocative Fashion Textile Designs by Sarah Arnett

Gorgeous and provocative Fashion Textile Designs by Sarah Arnett
Fashion Design : Sarah Arnett is a UK based freelance illustrator and textile designer who stays in Brighton. Her designer dresses are normally stocked in a range of high-end boutiques, including Whistles and Harvey Nicholas. Sarah’s illustrations develop from hand-drawn and are then digitally illustrated. Studying and...

20 Beautiful Vexel Art Portraits - Vector Portrait illustrations

Vexel Art
A combination of vector and pixel brings out the new form of art : Vexel art. Although both vector art and vexel art use Adobe Photoshop, the former uses shape layers from the pen tool and the latter uses raster layers. The raster layers are totally created from pixels. Pixels of different colors are grouped together to create...
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