
Fashionista Drivers - Creative Advertising Campaign ideas by Robert Eikelpoth

Fashionista Drivers - Creative Advertising Campaign ideas by Robert Eikelpoth
Robert Eikelpoth is an art director and photographer from Dusseldorf. He was born in 1980 and he had to move a lot between Croatia, Germany and England during his childhood. He is mostly into advertising photography and his portraitures are mostly of top celebrities in music and film industries. Some of his top clientele are Adidas...

20 Celebrity Portraits Created by Circles - Digital Circlism by Ben Heine

20 Celebrity Portraits Created by Circles - Digital Circlism by Ben Heine
Digital Celebrity Portraits : Ben Heine has more than 15 years experience in creating portraits of popular celebrities. Over the period of time he has evolved a new technique called Digital circlism, where portraits of celebrities are created digitally using only circles of different shapes. Most of his digital circlism portraits of...

How To Install Photoshop Layer Styles

You have found an awesome resource that has a ton of premium Photoshop layer styles and text effects and have downloaded a bunch of zip files but do not know how to make them work. Follow our step by step guide onhow to install and use Photoshop layer styles and you will be off and running in no time. What Are...

Branding and Logo Design Process of Anacours by Grapheine

Branding and Logo Design Process of Anacours by Grapheine
Anacours, a leading name in tutoring for the past 20 years recreated it's branding and logo design with the innovative Grapheine designers. To withstand the highly competitive world of tutoring Anacours needed a strong visual brand identity. As in all other cases the new design evolved from their old brand design but with...

11 Different types of logo design examples and ideas for Designers

Types of logo designs
Logos are simple visual symbols which create the brand identity of a business in the market. Logo Design Types : The more distinct a logo is, the easier it stands out among other brands. A logo can easily bring out the values of a company and establish a connection with the customer. We usually use graphic design software to create...

70 Creative Restaurant Logo Design inspiration for you

Restaurant Logos
Restaurant Logos : Logos are essential for creating brand identity. Logos help identify a consumer about the product and restaurant logos, hotel logos will have something associated with food. It's a known fact that human brains can recollect pictorial images better than words. There are many free logo services online which can help...

25 Best Photo Manipulations works from famous designers

25 Best Photo Manipulations works from famous designers
Photo manipulations : 25 Best Photo Manipulations works from famous designers Photo manipulation Ads Photo manipulation face Photo manipulation face Photo manipulation mobile ads

30 Awesome and Creative Typographic Designs and Typography Posters

30 Awesome and Creative Typographic Designs and Typography Posters
Typographic Designs : Typography is one of the most fascinating elements of graphic design. If it’s web design, album art, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typographical inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 30 creative typographic designs for your inspiration. i hope you will like...

20 Inspiring 3D Typography Lettering Designs by Beijing Artist Kongnok

20 Inspiring 3D Typography Lettering Designs by Beijing Artist Kongnok
Kongnok, a graphic designer based in Beijing creates incredible hand-lettering compositions using powerful brush strokes. Three-dimensional typography has extraordinary depth and hence it proves to be a great option for display. The 3d design of a typographical work brings in a realistic effect to the type. Since there is a 'lift...

50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration

50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration
50 Professional Photo Editing and Retouching works inspiration Know more about Phowd, owned by Clayton Johnson

25 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download1

25 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download1
Download Free royalty free fonts : Graphic designers and web designers, your long search for beautiful free fonts is over, we have included some royalty free fonts for free download. If you want to make your website look professional, incorporate these beautiful free fonts to make them unique. This is the best place to download free...

Colorful Poster Designs and Graphic Design works by Russell Shaw

Colorful Poster Designs and Graphic Design works by Russell Shaw
Poster Design : Russell Shaw is an art director, artist and brand designer from San Francisco. He is talented in creating posters, websites and brand designing with the help of visual language for many clients across the word. He is known to use objects found in real life to create posters in an eye pleasing way. He arranges the...

40 Creative and Beautiful Pharmacy Logo Designs for your inspiration

Pharmacy Logos
Pharmacy Logos : In this post we have added 40 creative and brilliant Pharmacy logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Nutri caps, Pharma Strategies, Nephro plus, Neerim road pharmacy, Sanus Pharma, Happy Pill, Price choice pharmacy and First car pharmacy. Please tell us your favorite logo design. Related: 40...

25 Animated Home Page Web design Examples for your inspiration

Animated Website
In this post we have added 50 Animated Home page website design examples for your inspiration. Graphic designers and web designers, look no further, browse through our collection of animated website designs for your inspiration. Keep visiting us often to get inspired more with our regular updates. It’s time for Skype Visit...

40 Creative and Brilliant T-Shirts Designs and Ideas for your inspiration

T Shirt Design Ideas
T Shirt Design ideas: Everyone loves t-shirts. But not all t-shirts are awesome or beautiful enough to work as a stand alone print – well these do! I have for you below some amazing and hilarious shirt designs turned print. Interesting designs are everywhere. Some can be really simple looking yet able to deliver a...

50 Creative Typography Designs and illustrations for your inspiration - Part 3

50 Creative Typography Designs and illustrations for your inspiration - Part 3
Typography Design : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you

30 Subliminal Advertising Ideas and print ads for you
Subliminal advertising: Sometimes the best way to pass on a crude message is through subliminal ads. They tend to reach the audience in a much faster way. The human brain is tuned in such way to grasp the negative details much faster than the positive ones. So if we want people to give up smoking, subliminal advertisement with...

50 Brilliant and Expressive Packaging Design ideas for you1

50 Brilliant and Expressive Packaging Design ideas for you1
Packaging: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to stand...
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