
25 Stunning Beauty Industry Photo Retouching works by Cyril Lagel

25 Stunning Beauty Industry Photo Retouching works by Cyril Lagel
Photo Retouching : Cyril Lagel, born in france is a talented photographer in the fashion/glamour industry. Even though he has only 3 yrs experience in the fashion industry, his photo retouching works are the best in the country. He captures the natural beauty of the female models in an encaptivating manner. He has an amazing...

30 Best Animal Advertising designs and Creative Ads around the world

Creative Ads
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

50 Best Motivational Posters and Motivational Quotes around the world

Motivational Posters
Motivational Posters : Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams. Quotes: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value...

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial

How To Shoot And Retouch Beautiful Models - Photography Tutorial
We showed up at Shoot Digital (a massive photo studio in Manhattan) early in the morning and the models were already in makeup. Sam’s assistant was working on the lights and I got to sit down and interview Sam for a few minutes. What I found most interesting about Sam was his incredible attention to detail. Most...

Ghost in the shell - Digital Art and illustration by Rik Oostenbroek

Ghost in the shell - Digital Art and illustration by Rik Oostenbroek
Rik Oostenbroek is an art director and illustrator who loves happy colours and flowing shapes. The ghost in the shell movie illustrations are used as official content for social media campaigns and activation. Rik's illustrations got full 'Unlimited power' on the course which permitted to truly redefine known limits. In the words...

35 Creative Typography Design Master pieces for your inspiration

35 Creative Typography Design Master pieces for your inspiration
Typography Design : Typography is one of the most fascinating elements of graphic design. If it’s web design, album art, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typographical inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 35 Beautiful Typography Master pieces for your inspiration...

Showcase of Best Woman Vector tracing & Illustration works

Vector woman
We have added 20 Best Vector woman illustration works for you. Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some time vector work would be very difficult while creating hair and skin tone effects. Please send us your vector to share with everyone See all Vector Characters...

40 Creative Eye Logo Design Ideas and Design inspiration

Eye logo design
In this post we have added 40 Best Eye themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Sleep, TechVision, Vision, Eye Hut, Davinci and Gurwin Photography. Please write us your favorite eye logo design by adding comment below. FishEye - Eye logo design Hoot - Eye logo design NVIUS - Eye logo design Eye Arena -...

Kate Middleton inspired Cafe Branding Design - Prahran Middletown Cafe

Kate Middleton inspired Cafe Branding Design - Prahran Middletown Cafe
Cafe Branding Design : Prahran MiddleTown Cafe has opened recently in Melbourne and it's themed as "Prahran's brunchery royale". Infact the theme has been inspired from the Royal, Kate Middletown. You can find the cafe's interiors all in blue and white, which looks so elegant. You can see bright white tiles and panneling,...

50 Creative Resume Design Samples that will make you rethink your CV

Resume Designs
Resume Design: Your CV talks a lot about you and your career. So if you want to have a lucrative career, it's important to have a professional resume design. You can choose to go trendy or stay traditional using hand written resumes, it should definitely have all the information you require to land yourself a big job. You might be...

30 Creative and Inspiring Multi-colored Logo Designs for your inspiration

30 Creative and Inspiring Multi-colored Logo Designs for your inspiration
Multi-colored Logo Designs: In this post we have added 30 inspiring and creative multi colored logo designs for your inspiration. Cafe, krooma, mypixel, cng, colorstar, inkdian are our favorites. i hope you will like these colorful logo designs

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration

25 Creative Movie Posters Design examples for your inspiration
Movie Posters Design : These days, film posters are still an incredibly important part of a film’s marketting technique. They are created to promote films and to intrigue audiences but there is a larger market for collecting film posters and older, original movie posters are in great demand.In this post we have added 25...

Top 20 Useful Websites for Graphic and Web Designers | Nov 2018

Top websites for designers
Graphic and web designers surf the web in search of quality designs for their designing purposes. We have made their lives simple, by collecting some of the Top 15 useful websites which can be used by the graphic designers to create their web designing with. Icons, webdesign templates, banners, buttons and everything else is readily...

40 Creative and Beautiful Peacock logo designs for your inspiration

Peacock logo
Peacock logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products. In this post we have added 40 Beautiful and Creative Peacock logo designs for your...

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu

20 Simple and Creative Animal logo design ideas by Martigny Matthieu
We have added simple animal logo designs from France designer Matthieu Martigny. His logo designs are simple, yet very creative. He enjoys nature, wildlife and most of his simple logo designs have plenty of animal, bird logos and others. He uses digital software like: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Muse, Brackets for...

25 Creative 3D Typography Design ideas for your inspiration

25 Creative 3D Typography Design ideas for your inspiration
3d Typography Design: Chris LaBrooy has exhibited at the design museum in London and has been featured in many publications covering design, products, typography and illustration. Chris first began to use 3D as a simple tool to visualise ideas for furniture and products that he could not afford to produce. As 3D technology and...

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2

40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2
40 Best Print Advertisements and Creative Ads design inspiration - part 2 print Ads - hair style print Advertisement - google search print Ads hair print Advertisement - patient print Ads - dog food print Advertisement - coca cola print Advertisement - cat print Ads - Burger King print Ads - Photographer print...

40 Creative Lotus Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Lotus Logo Designs
Lotus Logo Designs : In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Lotus logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Maya holdings, Asanas, Lotus Yoga Logo, .Purity yoga, Health back, Pink lotus, Green lotus, Lilly pad, Lotus media, Little river health care, Love petals, Lotus tai chi and tea and Lotus fine...
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