
50 Creative Package Design ideas from Top Designers

Package Design
Competitive businesses require catchy package designs for product reach out. Package designs which are visual treat works out better in this competitive world. Choose from these creative packaging designs to make products stand out from the crowd. Businesses are always on the lookout for creative packaging design ideas which don't...

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration

30 Creative Packaging Design examples for your inspiration
Creative Packaging Design: Mostly people judge the quality of product with its unique packaging. In this post we present excellent examples of beautiful, attractive and communicative packaging design. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique...

15 Best Website Designers in India - Creative Web Designers List

Website Designers India
Website Designers India: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners. Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Have you wondered who are the best website designers in India. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best Indian website...

Top 20 Useful Websites for Graphic and Web Designers | Nov 2018

Top websites for designers
Graphic and web designers surf the web in search of quality designs for their designing purposes. We have made their lives simple, by collecting some of the Top 15 useful websites which can be used by the graphic designers to create their web designing with. Icons, webdesign templates, banners, buttons and everything else is readily...

30 Awesome Typography designs and Art works for your inspiration

30 Awesome Typography designs and Art works for your inspiration
Typography Designs : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography...

40 Creative Branding Identity Designs from famous web designers

40 Creative Branding Identity Designs from famous web designers
Branding is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a logo is...

Innovative Brand Identity Designs for Mon-Avocat by France Design Agency Grapheine

Innovative Brand Identity Designs for Mon-Avocat by France Design Agency Grapheine
The bar council of France has a site for hiring lawyers - mom-avocat(my lawyer) and Grapheine has created the brand identity design for them. There are around 70,000 lawyers around France registered on the site from where anyone can hire them. The Hamon law of 2014 enabled the formation of this start-up in 2015 which permitted...

Popular Portrait Photo Mosaic Works - The Queens Gambit by Charis Tsevis

Popular Portrait Photo Mosaic Works - The Queens Gambit by Charis Tsevis
Charis Tsevis is a Cyrus based visual designer who has decades of experience in the field of advertising and visual communication. He completed his visual design studies in Athens and Milan and has been collaborating with various International clients. Queen's Gambit is a popular TV series in which Beth Harmon who became an orphan...

Beauty is around us Everywhere - Photo Retouching works by Liubov Pogorela

Beauty is around us Everywhere - Photo Retouching works by Liubov Pogorela
Photo Retouching is not a simple task, it takes a lot of patience and hours of work on Adobe Photoshop, until the photographer is satisfied by the end result. Liubov Pogorela is a photographer from Kyiv. She has hands on experience in Photo retouching and beauty photography. Her women beauty photography has been featured in several...

20 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now

20 Free Professional Fonts for Graphic and Web Designers - Download now
In this post we have added some of royalty free professional and good looking fonts for graphic and web designers. Download them instantly and start using in your next design. Happy Designing. Forum by Denis Masharov Download this font Forum by Denis Masharov Download this font Ledger Regular - by Denis Masharov Download this...

25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works for Fashion Photography

25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works for Fashion Photography
Photo manipulation and Fashion Photography Fashion photography is a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Elle. Over time, fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in...

CSS code - Draw Steve Jobs, Apple logo, twitter, windows, nike and more

CSS code - Draw Steve Jobs, Apple logo, twitter, windows, nike and more
Works best on Google Chrome and Safari, but it looks pretty good on Firefox too. I'm happy to say that there are others like me. Give them a visit and find more CSS Magic: Opera Logo with CSS iOS Icons In Pure CSS iPhone CSS3 So simple it's sexy CSS Paperlip. If you would like it to contact the author of these

50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration

50 Creative 3D logo Design examples for your inspiration
3D Logo Designs : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. In this post we have added 60 Creative and Brilliant logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Pencil, Pendulam, Killed, Code fish...

26 Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas for your inspiration - part 2
Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas : Purpose of brochure may vary from business to business. Some are designed to display services, whereas others are focused on selling a product. Print design is becoming quite influential in print design. As I am looking for print design references for a brochure I am working on, I decided to...

25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos

25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos
Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles: Regina Pagles is a photographer from Long Island, New York and currently lives in Springdale. She and her husband own a bicycle shop which is just outside Zion National Park which is in Southwest Utah. Photography and photo retouching is a passion for Regina Pagles and she does them for a...

60 Attractive and Colorful Logo Design inspiration for you

Colorful logo Design
Colorful Logo design: Unique and colorful log designs is a must for all kinds of business, no matter what they do and how big is their company. For a better audience reach and targeting of particular customers is possible through the internet. So if you want to boost your sales, then it's good to invest in a good website with a...

40 Majestic Lion Logo Design inspiration for you

Lion Logo
Lion Logo Design : In this post we have added 40 Best Lion themed logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Safari Bar, LionHeart, KingLine, ToughTears, Lion Print and Liger Television. Please tell us your favorite logo design.  Safari Lion Logo Design Liger Television Lion Logo Design LionHeart Lion Logo...

40 Creative and Brilliant Bicycle Logo Designs for your inspiration

Bicycle Logo
In this post we have added 40 best and beautiful Bicyle logo design examples for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Flycycle, Cyclists, Cycle diares, WildBull, Cycling, Bicycle Museum, BikeMike, Boom Bikes, I Love Bicycle, Friendly Cycle and Cyclinder. 
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