
50 Creative Corporate Brochure Design ideas for your Inspiration

Corporate Brochure Design
Corporate Brochure Design Inspiration: Everyday you tend to get brochures for almost all kinds of business. Right from pest control to marketing of cars, businesses try to take control of a fair share of market by keeping the customers hooked to what they want to offer through trendy brochure designs. Business owners don't want...

28 Creative Typography designs and illustrations for your inspiration

28 Creative Typography designs and illustrations for your inspiration
To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in various marketing...

Surreal and Creative Photo Manipulations by JM Navarro

Surreal and Creative Photo Manipulations by JM Navarro
Photo manipulation: JM Navarro is a creative art director from Spain. His photo manipulations are a visual treat to the eyes. According JM Navarro, "Visual Poetry Mixing concepts, images and colors makes me happy". Using simple objects like knife, carrot, axe, the pictures are photo manipulated into something else. We...

20 Beautiful Vexel Art Portraits - Vector Portrait illustrations

Vexel Art
A combination of vector and pixel brings out the new form of art : Vexel art. Although both vector art and vexel art use Adobe Photoshop, the former uses shape layers from the pen tool and the latter uses raster layers. The raster layers are totally created from pixels. Pixels of different colors are grouped together to create...

40 Beautiful and Creative Dog logo designs for your inspiration

Dog Logos
Dog Logo designs: Logo designers, are you running out of ideas for your next pet project? It's no big deal, if you seem to have reached a road block, when trying to create something for your business. We have an amazing collection of dog logo designs, which will be an inspiration for your next project. Dog logo designs are...

Ombre Glass Series - Chair design Ideas by Amsterdam designer Germans Ermics

Ombre Glass Series - Chair design Ideas by Amsterdam designer Germans Ermics
Chair Design Ideas: Germans Ermics was born in Riga, Latvia in 1985. Germans Ermics has created a stunning collection of glass ombre furniture collection, with amazing tints of color. The tints of color are strongest where the joints meet. Simple glass chair design ideas look so beautiful when pigments of color are used on them. He...

30 Creative and Funny Photo Manipulation works for your inspiration

30 Creative and Funny Photo Manipulation works for your inspiration
Funny Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. In this post we have added 30 best and incredible examples of photo manipulation works for you...

20 Creative Print Advertisement design ideas for your inspiration

20 Creative Print Advertisement design ideas for your inspiration
Creative Print Advertisements design ideas : Nat Geo Print Ad : Our creative concept for Africa’s Deadliest TV show is to exemplify the face-to-face aspect of predator versus prey in a creative manner through the circle of life. Visually, we have personified the tension that exists between the two animals through dramatic...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2

40 Creative Advertising Ideas by Jean Yves Lemoigne - Part 2
Jean-Yves Lemoigne is an advertising photographer since 2004. He works with the top creatives agencies in the world : DDB, BBH, EuroRSCG, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, TBWA, Wieden & Kennedy … His advertising work does not look like classic advertising and has been awarded many times.

30 Creative Photo Manipulation done by Nancy Fouts - Paradoxical Ideas

30 Creative Photo Manipulation done by Nancy Fouts - Paradoxical Ideas
Photo Manipulation by Nancy Fouts British Artist Nancy Fouts creates amazing juxtrapositions that combine unexpected objects, materials, and ideas to create playful and surreal images. Her site doesn’t say whether these objects are shown as sculptures or photographs. Check out these amazing paradoxical photo...

40 Creative Whale logo design examples from around the world

Whale logo Design
Whale logo design: Whales are associated with good spirit and to bring in abundance. You can find many whale logo designs in theme parks, water sports and businesses associated with water. Nowadays whale logo designs are incorporated into other business too. Here is your chance to see how other IT companies, real estate business...

15 Innovative Advertising Photo Manipulations by Limehouse

15 Innovative Advertising Photo Manipulations by Limehouse
Limehouse Creative is an Internationally known full-service production company that has a number of awards to its credit. They provide service for all media channels, including print, television, online, digital and across social. The company provides expertise in various disciplines with creative and budget-friendly projects...

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta

20 Creative Photomanipulation and Advertising Ideas by Romeue Julieta
Photo manipulation & Advertising ideas by Romeue Julieta Studio : All these designs only became possible thanks to the union between the couple Jean Campos and Patricia Palma, members of the studio owners Romeu & Julieta. The Romeu has experience in the fashion market, as well as working for over five years in the...

33 Brilliant and Innovative Bag Ads for your inspiration

33 Brilliant and Innovative Bag Ads for your inspiration
Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their...

15 Top Creative Website Designers from around the world

Website Designers
Top Website Designers: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners.Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Hav you wondered who are the best website designers in the whole world. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best website...

25 Most Beautiful and Fresh Web Design examples for your inspiration

25 Most Beautiful and Fresh Web Design examples for your inspiration
In this post we included 25 Most Inspired and Beautiful website design examples for your inspiration. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at exceptional web designs. But spending lots of time to find these kinds of web designs is not possible for most of the designers...

35 Creative and Beautiful Branding Identity Design examples

35 Creative and Beautiful Branding Identity Design examples
Brand Identity is an important aspect for any business. The key to successful business is branding. If you want your customers to remember you, try branding. In recent times most of the companies have turned to corporate branding, to make their business a success. Don’t confuse yourself with a logo or corporate identity, a...

20 Creative Abstract Graphic Illustrations and Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley

20 Creative Abstract Graphic Illustrations and Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley
Photo manipulations by Nik Ainley : Nik Ainley has more than 10 years experience in abstract graphic illustrations and photo manipulations. Most of his illustrations are for personal use and others are commission works. He never imagined even in his wildest dreams that he would be an artist, since he graduated in Physics. He was...
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