20 Expensive Paintings from Most Famous and Modernist Indian Artist Tyeb Mehta1

Padma Bushan award winner Tyeb Mehta was well known for his contemporary abstract paintings. He was born in Gujarat between 1925 - 2009. Even though he was born in Gujarat, he spent most of his life at Mumbai. He was a film maker, sculptor and a popular Indian artist who was well known both nationally and internationally. One of his most popular beliefs were "In art you have to believe in something", before one says "I have done something. His paintings are mostly diagonal shapes with 2 or 3 colors which makes them interesting. Some of his paintings have fetched close to 26.4 crore Indian rupees. His bold expressions, beautiful usage of the Indian theme are what makes his paintings so popular. Most of his paintings are collectibles and are displayed in national/International museum's.

20 Expensive Paintings from Most Famous and Modernist Indian Artist Tyeb Mehta1

Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting

Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting

Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting Painting by tyeb mehtapainting

To Know More, Visit Tyeb Mehta : Website

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20 Expensive Paintings from Most Famous and Modernist Indian Artist Tyeb Mehta1 Padma Bushan award winner Tyeb Mehta was well known for his contemporary abstract paintings. He was born in Gujarat between 1925 - 2009. Even though he was born in Gujarat, he spent most of his life