Creative Outdoor Sculptures by South African Artist Daniel Popper

Daniel Popper, a South African artist based in Cape Town is popular around the globe for his larger than life installation structures which plays a major role in elevating the positive spirit of the human world. Now the world is surrounded by so much of negativity and the only remedy to all agony could be art. Different variety of art such as music, theatre, cinema and performance art has the capability to reach the hearts of people. Though initially Popper was interested in still life drawing and oil painting later beauty of outdoor sculpture impressed him and he made it as his career. Daniel Popper's sculptures have a meditational appearance and are transcended in nature. He draws his inspiration from nature, family and life around him. Daniel has created installations for the Modern Festival Croatia, Electric Forest Festival the USA and has exhibited five new artworks at Morton Arboretum in Chicago, USA. He has specialised in Interactive art, Public art, stage design, installation art and interior design. Here we share beautiful and creative outdoor art installations of Daniel Popper for you to enjoy.

Creative Outdoor Sculptures by South African Artist Daniel Popper

Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation

Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture

Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture Outdoor sculpture by daniel popperoutdoor sculpture Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation Outdoor art installation by daniel popperoutdoor art installation

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Creative Outdoor Sculptures by South African Artist Daniel Popper Daniel Popper, a South African artist based in Cape Town is popular around the globe for his larger than life installation structures which plays a major role in elevating the positive spirit of the