25 Beautiful Oil Paintings by Chinese Artist Guan ZeJu

Guan ZeJu is a Senior Artist of the Guangzhou Art Institute and a member of the Artists’ Association of China; he has served as Director of the Guangdong Provincial Branch of the Artists’ Association of China and Vice-Secretary General of the Oil Painting Research Association of Guangdong, China. He currently resides in the United States where he works as a studio artist. He is also a member of the American Society of Portrait Artists and has been awarded the distinction of Honorary Overseas Artist by the Guangdong Art Institute.

25 Beautiful Oil Paintings by Chinese Artist Guan ZeJu

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25 Beautiful Oil Paintings by Chinese Artist Guan ZeJu Guan ZeJu is a Senior Artist of the Guangzhou Art Institute and a member of the Artists’ Association of China; he has served as Director of the Guangdong Provincial Branch of the Artists