20 Stunning Beach Art works by Andres Amadors

Beach Art

Andres Amadors is a famous beach art specialist. He uses the beach as his daily canvas and creates such intricate art. The fragile beach art gets destroyed on contact with the sea water. But his passion for art has not stopped him from creating beach art wonders. He reminds everyone that life is very fragile and makes utmost use of everything at hand. Except for some garden rakes, sketches he doesn’t carry much on him. He creates fractal patterns and his art lives in photographs and videos, as they are washed away very easily. He creates awe inspiring patterns and its heartbreaking to see them go away with the tides. We have included 20 beautiful and stunning Beach Art works by Andres Amadors for your inspiration.

Beach Art

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20 Stunning Beach Art works by Andres Amadors Andres Amadors is a famous beach art specialist. He uses the beach as his daily canvas and creates such intricate art. The fragile beach art gets destroyed on contact with the sea water. But his