Animation : France's Academie Des Arts have announced it's Cesar Awards for it's Animation Category. The short film and feature film categories have been announced. The Cesar Awards is similar to the Oscar Awards. The Award ceremony will be held in Paris on March 2nd 2018.
The nominations for Animation Feature Film is:
The Big Bad Fox & Other Tales
Big bad wolf animation film nominee
Sahara by Pierre Core
Zombillenium by Arthur De Pins
Zombillenium animation film nominee
Short Animation Categories are:
Le Future Sera Chauve by Paul Cabon
Le future sera chauve animation film nominee
I Want Pluto To Be A Planet Again by Marie Amachoukeli and Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka
Le Jardin De Minuit - Benoit Chieux
Pepe Le Morse by Lucrece Andreae
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