Adobe Photoshop can Spot Fake Photo Manipulations using AI1

Adobe Photoshop: Vlad Morariu after 14 yrs of research has finally succeeded in creating an artificial intelligence to check for fake manipulations which are not visible to our eyes. The Artificial Intelligence can identify if there are any additions or changes to the photos by cutting or slicing. The AI has been taught to understand change in color and noise inconsistency.

Adobe Photoshop can Spot Fake Photo Manipulations using AI1

Photomanipulation adobe photoshop aiphotomanipulation adobe photoshop ai

The initial study was started 14 yrs ago with ten thousand pictures and mainly focused on three techniques: Splicing, Copy/Move and Removal of an object. According to Vlad Morariu,"Each of these techniques tend to leave certain artefacts, such as strong contrast edges, deliberately smoothed areas, or different noise patterns". There are several stories on the internet, which claim that many pictures where photoshopped and that they were not original. Now all this drama will be put to rest by using the Adobe's AI.

To identify the authenticity of the pictures, RGB stream filter and noise stream filter is used. Did you know that camera's have different noise signs and any inconsistencies in the noise stream filter can be easily identified, thus proving the authenticity of the pictures. Any tamperings to the pictures can be identified at pixel level by the AI which cannot be detected by normal human eyesight. Well not all methods can be foolproof since we can't always depend on machines, but this this definetely a good upgrade for Adobe Photoshop which has been in the image editing service for more than 28 years.

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For more info, visit bbc


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Adobe Photoshop can Spot Fake Photo Manipulations using AI1 Adobe Photoshop: Vlad Morariu after 14 yrs of research has finally succeeded in creating an artificial intelligence to check for fake manipulations which are not visible to our eyes. The Artificial