Cute 3D Models and Character Designs created by Nikopacto for an Ad Agency

3D Models : Nikopicto is into advertising, animation and art Direction. This funny and cute 3D models were created for OUIGO which is a French rail network and a part of the advertising campaign. The animation comes alive when 10 euros are tossed into the coin slot machine and a pin ball machine gets active. The mini train which is in the shape of a ball moves around several French cities and each of the 3D models are depicted in a fun and entertaining way. When the train reaches paris, it's greeted by Moulin Rouge dancers kicking their legs up in the air. You can enjoy the animation here, just click the link. The catchy soundtrack is "This Head I Hold," by indie band Electric Guest.

Cute 3D Models and Character Designs created by Nikopacto for an Ad Agency

Check out the animation video:


Rooster 3d models by nikopictorooster 3d models Banana 3d models by nikopictobanana 3d models Snail 3d models by nikopictosnail 3d models Stork 3d models by nikopictostork 3d models Doughcat 3d models by nikopictodoughcat 3d models Starfish 3d models by nikopictostarfish 3d models Honeybee 3d models by nikopictohoneybee 3d models

Sun 3d models by nikopictosun 3d models Duck 3d models by nikopictoduck 3d models

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