30 Mind-Blowing and Vivid Paintings by Phan Thu Trang - Award winning Landscapes

Landscape painting is both a fascinating & absorbing subject to many artists wanting to explore the genre in their art works. For those who love the freshness and radiance of Vietnam and its landscapes, the work of Phan Thu Trang will correspondingly please. Trang’s naive, decorative works are characteristically Vietnamese. Making the genre of landscape her own, Trang simplifies individual elements to their bare essentials. With a limited palette, the artist employs texture to define her subjects. Smooth areas of bright monotone contrast with the lush, painterly impasto used to define tree leaves. A vibrant vaulted canopy of trees dominates spindly trucks. Born in Hanoi, like many other artists, Trang’s mind has been engraved with images of the city and the Northern villages. She brings these vivid memories of the villagers and their life to her paintings.

30 Mind-Blowing and Vivid Paintings by Phan Thu Trang - Award winning Landscapes

tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings

tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings

tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings tree paintings
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Tag : Landscape Painting, Tree Painting, Vivid Paintings
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30 Mind-Blowing and Vivid Paintings by Phan Thu Trang - Award winning Landscapes Landscape painting is both a fascinating & absorbing subject to many artists wanting to explore the genre in their art works. For those who love the freshness and radiance of Vietnam and its