20 Unbelievable Photo Realistic Oil Paintings By Pedro Campos

Pedro Campos is an incredible Hyper Realistic or Photo realistic painter from Madrid, Spain. Photo Realistic paintings on canvas are definitely in a whole other level of awesomeness. Seeing these painting for the first time and thinking it is actually a photograph is definitely a compliment for an artist like Pedro Campos. While many compare Campos to other realist masters, he proclaims his artistic admiration for artists such as: Lucien Freud, Richard Estes, Francis Bacon, Antonio López, and Anish Kapoor, for their quality of “distinction” in their works. He said: I think the influence of restoration in developing my own way of painting has been important. The restoration of lost areas in antique paintings forces you to seek excatitude in color: any personal intervention should go unnoticed.

20 Unbelievable Photo Realistic Oil Paintings By Pedro Campos

Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic

Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic

Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic Pedro Campos oil painting photo realistic

You may check his personal portfolio or the Plus One Gallery, in London

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20 Unbelievable Photo Realistic Oil Paintings By Pedro Campos Pedro Campos is an incredible Hyper Realistic or Photo realistic painter from Madrid, Spain. Photo Realistic paintings on canvas are definitely in a whole other level of awesomeness. Seeing these