20 Mind-Blowing Hyper Realistic Pebbles and Rocks Paintings by Ester Roi

I relish the contrast between a solid rock above the surface and its restless reflection below; the realistic depiction of a floating daisy versus its abstract, refracted counterpart. I marvel at how a flower can take on a new identity when floating below the surface and I strive to capture its ever-changing shape. Water transforms everything it touches: hard lines become soft, warm colors cool, solid shapes break down into parts. Realism evolves into abstraction and the ordinary becomes extraordinary. The interplay between these realms is an endless source of inspiration for me. Ester Roi was born and raised in Vicenza, Italy, 35 miles west of Venice. From an early age she showed an uncanny ability to make things with her hands, improve on things, or envision new approaches to learning.
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20 Mind-Blowing Hyper Realistic Pebbles and Rocks Paintings by Ester Roi

pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles

pebbles pebbles pebbles

pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles pebbles

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20 Mind-Blowing Hyper Realistic Pebbles and Rocks Paintings by Ester Roi I relish the contrast between a solid rock above the surface and its restless reflection below; the realistic depiction of a floating daisy versus its abstract, refracted counterpart. I marvel at how