
50 Best Photo Retouching Masterpieces - Photoshop After Before Photos

Photo Retouching
Photo retouching : Have you taken a great photograph, but find a little light missing in them or the face looks too dull. Well photo retouching can be done through adobe photoshop. Photographers use adobe photoshop widely to achieve the best looks. Ask any photographer, he would say he spent hours n hours photo editing to achieve a...

Creative Logo design ideas with Cat and Coffee by HongKong Designer Fiona Yiu

Creative Logo design ideas with Cat and Coffee by HongKong Designer Fiona Yiu
In this post you will be able to see the design process of cafe logo with cat and coffee icons. Meow Cafe Logo Design is one of the recent works of the talented logo designer Fiona Yiu from Hong Kong. The cat logo designs were created for a Meow cafe which is mostly favored by cat lovers. She graduated from the Savannah College of...

40 Creative Shopping Cart Logo Design examples for your inspiration1

40 Creative Shopping Cart Logo Design examples for your inspiration1
In this post we have added 40 Best shopping cart logo design examples for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are mix mart, Life Style, Eco shopping, My Shopping cart, The Store and Great Buys. See all Logo Designs  |  Branding Inspiration  |  Web Design Inspiration online shopping cart logo branding...

40 Creative Advertising Ideas and Designs from around the world

Creative Advertising
Creative Advertising design ideas : Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a...

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks

Creative Icon Designing - Collection, Tips and Tricks
Icons are the signs and sentinels that guide visitors through the digital world. Computer users have become accustomed to clicking on a miniature disk to save, a tiny printer to print or an open manila folder to open a document. All symbols logically relate to their function making it simple for users to navigate. If a picture is...

Gorgeous and provocative Fashion Textile Designs by Sarah Arnett

Gorgeous and provocative Fashion Textile Designs by Sarah Arnett
Fashion Design : Sarah Arnett is a UK based freelance illustrator and textile designer who stays in Brighton. Her designer dresses are normally stocked in a range of high-end boutiques, including Whistles and Harvey Nicholas. Sarah’s illustrations develop from hand-drawn and are then digitally illustrated. Studying and...

25 Creative Fashion Advertising Photographs by Suresh Natarajan

25 Creative Fashion Advertising Photographs by Suresh Natarajan
Suresh Natarajan is a leading fashion and advertising photographer. His stunning images reflect his belief that creative thinking should be visual. His timeless images have also adorned innumerable editorial covers. Suresh Natarajan shares his tips below for better photography, Learn from your Bad...

40 Photoshop Coloring Works - Colorize old black and white photos - part 1

Colorize or Coloring Old Photos
Colorize Old Photo: Do you have old photos and wondering how to restore them to their former glory? No more worries, if your old photos are too crumpled, fold, torn or color faded. You can always trust our humble Adobe Photoshop which works great wonders on coloring old photos, so you can always hold on to your fond memories. Want...

20 Beautiful Fashion and Advertisement Photography examples

20 Beautiful Fashion and Advertisement Photography examples
Fashion Photography: Suresh Natarajan is a leading indian photographer who is passion in fashion and advertising photography. His stunning images reflect his belief that creative thinking should be visual. His timeless images have also adorned innumerable editorial covers. Look for Great Subjects: Certain subjects like babies,...

50 Brilliant Fish Logo design examples for your inspiration - part 2

50 Brilliant Fish Logo design examples for your inspiration - part 2
In this post we have added 40 Best Fish logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Fishline, Food, Quality Fish, Fishy, Wapped Fish, ink Fish and Bigcolors. Please tell us your favorite fish logo designs. Fish logo design Channel cat Fish logo design Fishy Fish logo design Silentcode Fish logo...

40 Brilliant Number themed Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Number logos
Number logo Designs : In this post we have added 30 creative Number logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are 42 Live, 11 Productions, 3 Leaves, Digits, Twins, Eight and 1 Million. Please add your comments below about your favorite logo designs. No one - Number logo Design Million - Number logo Design Eight -...

80 Creative Print Advertisements and print ads for your inspiration

Print Advertisements
Print Advertisements : Print Ads design is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a...

30 Inspirational Life Quotes for you - Posters and Wallpapers

Life Quotes
Inspirational Life Quotes : Sometimes life can become very tough, if you lose a close friend, family, pets or love. You tend to become depressed and ignore the real world.Cheer up it's not the end of life, be positive and move on. Many great people have said great life quotes which will act as a guiding light at times of distress or...

Top 20 Useful Websites for Graphic and Web Designers | Nov 2018

Top websites for designers
Graphic and web designers surf the web in search of quality designs for their designing purposes. We have made their lives simple, by collecting some of the Top 15 useful websites which can be used by the graphic designers to create their web designing with. Icons, webdesign templates, banners, buttons and everything else is readily...

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong

Oreo Bicsuits or Zebra Body - Mind Boggling Photo Manipulation works By Ronald Ong
Photo manipulation works by Ronald Ong are stories which are waiting to be shared. Ronald Ong is a visual artist from Malaysia. He currently lives and works from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Animal photos are manipulated by mixing their bodies with food. The zebra has oreo biscuits skin, fox body resembles a bread packet and so on. It's...

55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2

55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2
Logos come in all shapes and sizes. They are important for brand identity in all kinds of business. Did you know there are some logos with hidden messages? Trying to find the hidden message in logos is like solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Well not all hidden messages in logos are hard to reveal, some are very easy to decipher....

25 Creative Banner Design examples for your inspiration

Banner Design
Banner designs are part of the advertising and marketing. Graphic designers have to use their creativity to produce eye catching banner designs that helps attract customers to the particular brand. Banner design is used by many sectors to convey important messages to the public or it can also be used for advertisement purpose. Based...

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1

40 Creative Sports Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration1
In this post we have added 40 Best and Creative Sports logo designs for your inspiration. Our Favorite logo designs are Royal Sports, Sports Store, Corporate Bowling, BaseBall Club, Sports Lab, Basket Academy, Golf Burn, Fire Ball, One ball rally, Green hole Golf club and Table tennis viewer. See all Logo Designs  |  ...