
30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration

30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration
Checkout 20 corporate business card design ideas for all kinds of business. Are you looking for some top of the shelf corporate business card designs? Browse through our amazing collection of business card designs and draw inspiration for your projects. Corporate business cards are an important part of brand identity and they have...

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena

50 Creative Photo manipulation works by Indian Artist Anil Saxena
Photo manipulation: Indian photographer, Anil Saxena has been making waves in the photography sector with his amazing surreal photography, which were done using photo manipulation. Initially, Anil Saxena worked in the dar room to achieve the desired result on his photos, later on when he was introduced to photoshop, there was no...

20 Beautiful and Creative Typography Portraits Designs for your inspiration

20 Beautiful and Creative Typography Portraits Designs for your inspiration
Typography is definetely the art you should be familar with. Just playing with font-family, font-style, color and size you can achive stylish portrait or poster. The following list of photoshop tutorials will guide you through different typography techniques.        

CSS code - Draw Steve Jobs, Apple logo, twitter, windows, nike and more

CSS code - Draw Steve Jobs, Apple logo, twitter, windows, nike and more
Works best on Google Chrome and Safari, but it looks pretty good on Firefox too. I'm happy to say that there are others like me. Give them a visit and find more CSS Magic: Opera Logo with CSS iOS Icons In Pure CSS iPhone CSS3 So simple it's sexy CSS Paperlip. If you would like it to contact the author of these

Showcase of Best Woman Vector tracing & Illustration works

Vector woman
We have added 20 Best Vector woman illustration works for you. Vector illustration is a popular technique of many digital illustrators worldwide. Some time vector work would be very difficult while creating hair and skin tone effects. Please send us your vector to share with everyone See all Vector Characters...

40 Transparent and Blend mode Logo designs by Ilya Schapko - 2

40 Transparent and Blend mode Logo designs by Ilya Schapko - 2
Transparent logo and Blend mode logo designs: Graphic designer Ilya Schapko from russia is a very talented icon designer. Using the Adobe Illustrator, he has created a project title ' Overlay's, where you can see many transparent and blend mode logo designs which truly represent the designer's creativity. These overlays are abstract...

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1

Age Progression - Photoshop Tutorial1
We are going to show how aging occurs in a woman’s face via Photoshop. For this tutorial we are going to use celebrity star Katie Holmes picture. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo Choose some close up candid photos which doesn’t have much make up and shows all detailing of the face. In Katie’s picture, we can...

30 Best Advertising Campaign designs from around the world

Advertising Campaign
Some of the best advertising campaigns around the world are : Tap Project ($1 added to the restaurant bill to help UNICEF and since then UNICEF has raised millions of dollars through this project), Budweiser(Wassup), Metro Trains - Dumb ways to Die, and more. For the past 15 years, creative advertising campaigns have changed the...

11 Different types of logo design examples and ideas for Designers

Types of logo designs
Logos are simple visual symbols which create the brand identity of a business in the market. Logo Design Types : The more distinct a logo is, the easier it stands out among other brands. A logo can easily bring out the values of a company and establish a connection with the customer. We usually use graphic design software to create...

Interesting Adobe Photoshop Tutorial Videos

In this post we have added some of interesting adobe photoshop tutorial videos for you. Mama's Faery Brushes     Digital Painting tutorial 01: Draw and Paint a realistic Eye and Eyebrow on Photoshop     Changing Lip color, Eye color, tone correction - Photoshop CS5 (Tutorial) Commentary  ...

30 Creative Cat Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Cat Logo
Cat Logo Design are literally not used by cats, they are mostly used to make the brands more appealing to the cat owners market. It's good to differentiate between the animal products with the animal pictures on them, so it's easier for the pet owners. Cats are meant for their flexibility and their long life, so cat logo designs are...

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration

30 Creative Vodafone Zoo zoo Ads for your inspiration
zoo zoo ads are advertisement characters promoted by Vodafone since the Indian Premier League Season 2 (IPL). zoo zoo are white creatures with ballooned bodies and egg heads who are used to promote various value added services of Vodafone. Although these characters look animated, they are actually humans in Zoozoo costumes. The ads...

50 Creative Flower Logo design Inspiration - Part 21

50 Creative Flower Logo design Inspiration - Part 21
Flower Logo designs: Most graphic designers feel happy to work with flower logo designs since it's so versatile. Flower logo designs are suitable for all kinds of business. Florists, Beauty Spa, Beauty Salons, business related to women products can all have flower logo designs. Sometimes business related to education, finance, real...

25 Funny and Unusual Product design ideas by Katerina Kamprani

Unusual Product Design
Unusual Product Design : Artist Katerina Kamprani from Athens is specialized in 3D Modelling and architecture. Her passion is to become a designer. She creates websites for close friends and also helps people with 3D Max tutorials. We have put together some unusual product design works of Katerina Kamprani, you can see that she has...

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert

Children Bodybuilders - 12 Creative Photo manipulation works by Photographer Kurt Stallaert
Have you seen children with six or eight packs? Well Photographer Kurt Stallaert visualizations of children body builders made him create these wonderful series of Photomanipulation works. It’s so funny to see children with bunny ears lifting weights and school children sitting around a coffee table, as if they have just come...

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31

25 Best 3D Typography Designs and Ads for your Inspiration - Part 31
3D Typography : To make a brand sell, companies use different advertising methods to promote their brand and graphic / print designers play a huge role in promoting successful brands and revising existing brands. Typography is an important tool used by the graphic print designers. Companies use attractive typography designs in...