10 Cute and adorable 3d model characters by Jaime Alvarez Sobreviela

Jaime Alvarez Sobreviela is a digital illustrator and 3d model artist from Philadelphia. His 3d models are quite fascinating, since they all look so cute and cuddly. He was born in Puerto Rico and currently settled in America. He is one of the most sought after 3d model artists in America. His 3d model characters are loved by people all over the world. Most of his 3d models are simple like tear drops, three monkeys and more. He is a big fan of the Simpsons cartoon.

3d model bluebell by jaime sobreviela 3d model doughnut by jaime sobreviela 3d model rabbit by jaime sobreviela 3d model drop by jaime sobreviela 3d model cats by jaime sobreviela 3d model poodle by jaime sobreviela 3d model sloth by jaime sobreviela 3d model simpsons by jaime sobreviela 3d model monkey by jaime sobreviela 3d model simpson by jaime sobreviela

To know more about: Behance


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10 Cute and adorable 3d model characters by Jaime Alvarez Sobreviela Jaime Alvarez Sobreviela is a digital illustrator and 3d model artist from Philadelphia. His 3d models are quite fascinating, since they all look so cute and cuddly. He was born in Puerto Rico and