10 Amazing Hand Painting Illusions by Ray Massey and Annie Ralli1

Hand painting: Ray Massey is an advertising photography, who specialises mostly in fluids photography. He teamed up with hand painting artists Annie Ralli and Annie Miller for an advertising campaign which goes by the name " You are in good hands". This hand painting series uses only hands to create stunning pieces of work, you can see athletes getting ready to sprint, but if you have a closer look, you can see that it's two hands which are painted as athletes. Wow an interesting way to deceive the mind. In another picture, you can see the fingers are painted in such a way it resembles pencils and pens. The most mindblowing one was the building design, which was in fact a fort and just to remind you, the fingers and back of the palm are the canvases used to create a 3d realistic fort. So now let us enjoy these beautiful hand paintings and be inspired.

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10 Amazing Hand Painting Illusions by Ray Massey and Annie Ralli1 Hand painting: Ray Massey is an advertising photography, who specialises mostly in fluids photography. He teamed up with hand painting artists Annie Ralli and Annie Miller for an advertising campaign