55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2

Logos come in all shapes and sizes. They are important for brand identity in all kinds of business. Did you know there are some logos with hidden messages? Trying to find the hidden message in logos is like solving a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Well not all hidden messages in logos are hard to reveal, some are very easy to decipher. For eg: the Chick-fil-a, uses a chicken in the C, which is so easy to understand. Baskin and Robins an incecream company has 31 different flavors and they have put that to good use in their logo.In order to find the hidden message in logos, we might have to stare harder at a logo. the number 31 is not so prominent in the baskin and robins logo, but look at every aspect in the logo and i'm sure you will find it very interesting to solve mysteries. 

A.G. Low Construction- Looks like the floor plan of a house

Amazon- A arrow and smile which points from a to z

The hidden logo with an elephant’s silhouette is defined by a giraffe and rhinoceros; the negative space of the animal’s hind legs are cleverly shaped by the twin spires of Cologne Cathedral.

It's a beautiful concept design

Reminiscent of the Families logo can you spot a mother and child holding hands

A twisted heart but can be easily read

It's easily readable even when it's flipped down

Can you spot the fourth raven?

All the words are used to a create a simple typography

Can you spot the plug and electric cable?

Beautifully created logo with all negative spaces taken care of

Four arrowas are launched, but there is a counter arrow which shows everything will be taken care of

Perfect use of negative spaces which includes many animals ina single logo

Whales tail is very prominent in this logo

GreenLabs - Tree with a brain suggesting strong intellectual capacity

Carrefour Logo - It's a hypermarket chain which shows all four directions

F1 logo is very simple, the 1 is very prominent here. FedEx logo may look simple, but the emphasis on E says there are efficient and fast delivery

Eighty20 - This definitely created by a maths geek and computer nerd

Egg and Spoon so easy to decipher

It's a tyre manufacturing company, it shows a 3D effect in its logo

Goodwill makes all smile.


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55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - FIND IT NOW

55 Creative Logo designs with Hidden messages - Part 2 Logos come in all shapes and sizes. They are important for brand identity in all kinds of business. Did you know there are some logos with hidden messages? Trying to find the hidden message in logos