
30 Best Drawing Tutorials - Learn Drawing Techniques from Masters

Drawing Tutorials
Drawing Tutorials: Drawing with pencil is always fun and in this we included drawing tutorials of the human face, body anatomy, eyes, ears, hands, lips realistically. Understanding of the body proportions makes drawing easier for all budding artists. Hope you gain inspiration from our 25 amazing pencil drawing tutorials. Practise it...

50 Beautiful Photo to Cartoon Drawings by Robert Dejesus

50 Beautiful Photo to Cartoon Drawings by Robert Dejesus
Photo to cartoon : Imagine yourself as a cartoon character, it sure sounds fun. Well here is an American artist Rober DeJesus who can convert photo to cartoon, which is so much like the original photo. He accepts commission work to turn photo into cartoon, which is strongly inspired by Japanese anime portraits. In the photo cartoon...

Funny and Surreal Pencil Drawings by Adonna Khare

Funny and Surreal Pencil Drawings by Adonna Khare
Funny Pencil drawings: Adonna Khare is a talented artist from Southern California. Her prime focus is mostly pencil shade drawings which involves mostly funny drawings of animals. Ever since she was three she has been drawing and her parents have always given her immense encouragement. Adonna completed her Masters of Fine Art from...

Shadow under the covers - Creative Drawing ideas by Willie Hsu

Shadow under the covers - Creative Drawing ideas by Willie Hsu
Willie Hsu is a master of light shadows and his creative drawings are proof. His 3D and 2D sketches of afterlife drawings are simply stunning. The ghostly figures are waiting to break-free from the canvas and reach out to their loved ones. The creative drawings is a reminder which says "No one is alone in this world, even if it...

60 Beautiful and Realistic Pencil Drawings of Eyes - part 3

60 Beautiful and Realistic Pencil Drawings of Eyes - part 3
Drawing of Eyes : Eyes are the most expressive and one of the beautiful features on a face. No matter which part of the world you are from, your eyes can speak volumes. As an artist, drawing of eyes is a very liberating experience. Have you been practising a lot on the eyes drawing? Well, you can take it to the next level, by...

23 Beautiful Henna Mehndi Design ideas for you - 3

23 Beautiful Henna Mehndi Design ideas for you - 3
mehndi designs : Coloring hands, legs with henna paste or mehndi is a popular practice in India,Pakistan and Arabian countries. Ladies adorn themselves with artistic mehndi designs for every occasion like marriage, party or even wear them to office. Different types of mehndi is available like red henna,black henna, glitter,...

20 Emotions Beautifully Captured through Pencil Drawings by Angel Ganev

20 Emotions Beautifully Captured through Pencil Drawings by Angel Ganev
Meet this Bulgarian artist, Angel Ganev, who creates pencil drawings which seem to have a glow effect. The realistic pencil art have a beautiful glow around certain objects or hair, which makes these drawings really interesting. Most of the subjects for the pencil drawings portraits are women. You don't have to go in search of...

25 Creative Illustrations and Realistic Drawings by Mustafa Soydan

Creative Illustration
In this post we have collected Mustafa Soydan's best fashion illustrations and realistic artworks for your inspiration. The theme in my works is totally complicated. It changes with my mood; it contains my past, my wishes for the future, pictures of the moment, and daily pleasures. My passion is to put my love for living into my...

An artists Procrastination of how humans evolved from animals

An artists Procrastination of how humans evolved from animals
Charles Le Brun was one of the greatest french artist and philosopher. He was one of the prominent artists in the 17th century and he was greatly influenced by Nicolas Poussin. Charles Le Brun's favourite study was about the physiognomy, which means study of the facial features. During one of his researches about humans, he had an...

20 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings by Jennifer De Boer

20 Beautiful Color Pencil Drawings by Jennifer De Boer
Color pencil drawings: Jenifer De Boer is a graphic designer and artist. Her color pencil drawings are mostly of women and they are so realistic. The portraits of women are so fashionable and they seem to walk out of the sktech pad. Looking at her color pencil drawings, one can get easily fooled for photographs, since they are so...

20 Stunning Beach Art works by Andres Amadors

Beach Art
Andres Amadors is a famous beach art specialist. He uses the beach as his daily canvas and creates such intricate art. The fragile beach art gets destroyed on contact with the sea water. But his passion for art has not stopped him from creating beach art wonders. He reminds everyone that life is very fragile and makes utmost use of...

25 Beautiful Tanjore Paintings - Traditional Indian Paintings Thanjavur Art

Tanjore painting
Tanjore paintings or Thanjavur paintings have been popular from 16th century during the Marathas invasion to Southern india. If you have visited the temples in South India, most of them will have pictures of gods and goddess which are Tanjore paintings. It’s believed tanjore paintings started from Thanjavur a small town in...

30 Beautiful Cat Drawings - Best Color Pencil Drawings and Paintings - World Cat Day Aug 8

Cat Drawing
Cat Drawings : If you are a cat person, I am sure you are aware of the different expressions it gives to please its owners. They are super adorable pets and you will love them more when you have a look at the realistic cat drawings we have collected for your inspiration. Animals are always the first choice as live subjects for most...

Embroidery Art - Amazing hand sewn hairstyles cascading from Embroidery hoops by SheenaLiam

Embroidery Art - Amazing hand sewn hairstyles cascading from Embroidery hoops by SheenaLiam
Embroidery Art : Sheena Liam has used the traditional hand embroidery method to showcase a new type of art and drawing which is quite a thrill to watch. She creates portraits of women with awesome hairdos and long flowing hair to create amazing designs. Sheena Liam is a model and in between shoots and she has found this amazing...

Funny but Poetic Street Art works of Alex Senna

Funny but Poetic Street Art works of Alex Senna
Alex Senna is a Brazilian street artist who creates art with human relations loaded with emotional baggage and interwined with satire. He illustrates urban setting with a simple and clear emotional visual flavor. The illustrations are taken from the imagination of children - hearts, musical notes, balloons, birds to which he adds...

20 Beautiful Chalk Drawings and Lettering by Dana Tanamachi

Chalk Drawing
Chalk Drawing : Dana Tanamachi is a letterer and graphic designer from Texas. She has created beautiful chalk lettering works for Yahoo, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Google etc. She has won many awards for her work and received many titles like “ The Young Gun” by the Art Directors club. She has even worked on famous...

70 Beautiful Award winning Onam Pookalam Designs - Athapookalam

70 Beautiful Award winning Onam Pookalam Designs - Athapookalam
We have listed the most beautiful pookalam / athapookalam designs which will be used during Onam festival. Onam festival is celebrated during the chingam masham in the malayalam calendar. The starting day of onam is known as Atam and end is known as Thiru Onam. During the 10 day festivals, people of kerala decorate the front porch...

25 Beautiful and Realistic Charcoal Drawings for your inspiration

Charcoal Drawing
Charcoal Drawing : From time immemorial charcoal has been used to create dramatic & realistic drawings. From the early, primitive cave paintings to modern day art charcoal has been a versatile art medium for all artists around the world. Charcoal has an exclusive texture when applied on canvas that allows artists to get the...