
25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos

25 Best Portrait Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles - See After Before Photos
Photo Retouching works by Regina Pagles: Regina Pagles is a photographer from Long Island, New York and currently lives in Springdale. She and her husband own a bicycle shop which is just outside Zion National Park which is in Southwest Utah. Photography and photo retouching is a passion for Regina Pagles and she does them for a...

25 Creative Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop - Awesome collection

25 Creative Photo Manipulation works done by Photoshop - Awesome collection
Photo Manipulation works Photo manipulations are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can manipulate photos like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have added some of...

26 Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas for your inspiration

Brochure Design Ideas
Best and Creative Brochure Design Ideas : Purpose of brochure may vary from business to business. Some are designed to display services, whereas others are focused on selling a product. Print design is becoming quite influential in print design. As I am looking for print design references for a brochure I am working on, I decided to...

30 Logo Designs Gone Wrong - Bad Logo Design examples for your inspiration

Bad Logos
In this post we have added 30 bad logo design examples for your inspiration. Logos are all around us. To the general public they serve as an instant reminder of a company or a product to the client they’re the point of recognition on which their brand hangs and to us designers they represent the challenge of incorporating our...

50 Royalty Free Fonts for Designers - Download Professional Fonts

Free Fonts
Download Free royalty free fonts : Graphic designers and web designers, your long search for beautiful free fonts is over, we have included some royalty free fonts for free download. If you want to make your website look professional, incorporate these beautiful free fonts to make them unique. This is the best place to download free...

30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration

30 Best Corporate Business Card Design ideas for your inspiration
Checkout 20 corporate business card design ideas for all kinds of business. Are you looking for some top of the shelf corporate business card designs? Browse through our amazing collection of business card designs and draw inspiration for your projects. Corporate business cards are an important part of brand identity and they have...

Creative and Gleaming 3D Typography Designs of Jose Checa

Creative and Gleaming 3D Typography Designs of Jose Checa
Typography Designs : Spanish visual designer and art director Jose Checa loves to create and develop original ideas and design solutions through beautiful and unique images. He always focuses on creating a positive and emotional response to the viewer. Jose developed his own special sensibility for technique, aesthetic detail and...

30 Funny Photoshop manipulation works for your inspiration

Funny Photoshop
Funny Photoshop : Photo manipulation works are fun to create and fun to look at. Using photoshop you can do lots of creative and fun stuff. You can alter photos by photoshop software like you imagine and can show others what you have in your creative mind. There are lots of posts on internet about photo manipulation but here i have...

40 Creative Photo Collage Ideas and Photo Manipulations by Andrea Costantini

40 Creative Photo Collage Ideas and Photo Manipulations by Andrea Costantini
Photo collage works - Andrea Costantini's Biography: I believe that photography in the modern era has received the gift of digital. You may use it to express yourself and you can take advantage of the most advanced technologies. Then, sometimes, you can choose to go back to the smell of emulsions and to the choice of manual exposure...

30 Creative Photo manipulations and Photoshop Special Effect Art Works

Photo manipulation Effects
Photo manipulation : You can do amazing and fun stuff with Photo manipulation. An ordinary photo can be transformed into something totally out of the box with photo manipulations. There are many software's available for photomanipulation, but Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular software. Photo manipulation is a combination of...

Best Graphic effects for the Poster Designs

Best Graphic effects for the Poster Designs
We have added some inspired poster designs for the Music theme. It was done in photoshop with 3D kind of effects.  

Spectacular Illustrations by Italian Illustrator Paolo Domeniconi

Spectacular Illustrations by Italian Illustrator Paolo Domeniconi
Digital illustration : Paolo Domeniconi is an illustrator based in Italy who specialises in childrens illustrations. He has published several books with main publishers including The creative company. Paolo’s illustrations has different dry composition brushes. None of the surface has those same shades. This meets...

20 Mind Blowing Foodscapes and Advertising Photo manipulations by Carl warner

20 Mind Blowing Foodscapes and Advertising Photo manipulations by Carl warner
Carl Warner blends photography and art to make highly conceptual visual images. Based in London, Warner’s 25-year career spans still life and advertising photography. He is best known for his intricate food landscapes, many of which can be seen in the recently published book Carl Warner’s Food Landscapes. In this...

50 Best Photo Manipulation works from Famous Creative Designers - Part 2
Have you heard of the term, your photo has been photoshopped? Well, it's a neat trick by graphic designers for manipulation of your photos. With a little bit of blending and merging the photos, the graphic designers allow their inner creativity flow through the photos. Photo manipulation works are very personal and it takes you to a...

Young and Old Reel - Back through time Photo Manipulation of Celebrities By Ard Gelinck

Young and Old Reel - Back through time Photo Manipulation of Celebrities By Ard Gelinck
Celebrity photo manipulation : The artist Ard Gelinck travels through time and gives us a glimpse of the young and old celebrities through his photo manipulation works. The photomanipulation work is so seamless, it makes us wonder if the people in the pictures are the one and same. It's like the artist travelled through time and...

40 Creative Butterfly Logo Design examples for Inspiration

Butterfly Logo
In this post we have added 40 best butterfly logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Rijn Makkum, Promone, ana Brasil, Dream, Florem, Greener Gardens and Kupu. Please tell us your favorite butterfly logo design.  Butterfly logo designs Butterfly logo designs Butterfly logo...

50 Most Brilliant Logo Design Ideas for your inspiration

Logo Design Ideas
Logo design Ideas: Logos are crucial for any kind of business. Customers recognize the brands with logos. There are different kinds of logo designs, for eg: typography logos, brand shape logo and so on. The most popular typography logo designs are Coco-Cola and Pepsi. Yes, what you are thinking is right, it's just a beverage drink,...