
25 Celebrities Humorously Re-Imagined as Classic Paintings

25 Celebrities Humorously Re-Imagined as Classic Paintings
What if today's celebrities went beyond TV and film and were actually the stars of classic paintings? Several photo manipulators over on Worth1000, a website where various users submit their Photoshopped images, explore just what that would look like. The images, often found in specific galleries titled Modern Renaissance, exhibit...

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration

50 Creative Business card design ideas for your inspiration
Effective business card designs are very simple and to the point, since clients don't have the time to read your narrative story. Business cards are usually designed by graphic designers and website designers using Adobe Photoshop.But if you are feeling creative, there are many online softwares available which allows you to select a...

50 Best Typography Design Examples for your inspiration1

50 Best Typography Design Examples for your inspiration1
Typography Inspiration Typography is one of the most fascinating elements of graphic design. If it’s web design, album art, posters, or any other type of graphic design, typographical inspiration can be a great resource for designers. Here we have added 26 creative typography design examples for your inspiration...

15 Free Corporate BiFold and Trifold Brochure Templates - Free Download Now

Free Brochure Templates
Brochure Templates: Everyday you tend to get brochures for almost all kinds of business. Right from pest control to marketing of cars, businesses try to take control of a fair share of market by keeping the customers hooked to what they want to offer through trendy brochure designs. Business owners don't want their brochures to end...

40 Creative and Beautiful Wine Logo Design inspiration for you

Wine logo designs
Wine Logo designs : In this post we have added 40 Creative and beautiful Wine logo design examples for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Brasil Wines, Wine Searcher, Wine House, The Thirsty Peacock, Wine Desgn, American Wine and Drink Red Wine. Please tell us your favorite wine logo design. Pasadena- Wine logo...

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto

The Outer Child - 25 Creative Photo manipulation and Retouching works by Cristian Girotto
Creative Photo manipulation : There was a time when the clichéd notion that "there is a child inside all of us" warmed our hearts. However, we had never actually pictured what such a child would look like. After seeing the collaborative project by Paris-based retoucher Cristian Girotto and photographer Quentin...

50 Creative Advertising Ideas and graphic designs for your inspiration

Best Advertising Designs: If you take a look at any advertisements on television or internet, all of them have been created by graphic designers who have been gifted with creative advertising ideas. You can be a self taught graphic designer or holding a degree in some of the top notch design schools and if you know what clicks in...

40 Creative and Beautiful Pharmacy Logo Designs for your inspiration

Pharmacy Logos
Pharmacy Logos : In this post we have added 40 creative and brilliant Pharmacy logo designs for your inspiration. My favorite logo designs are Nutri caps, Pharma Strategies, Nephro plus, Neerim road pharmacy, Sanus Pharma, Happy Pill, Price choice pharmacy and First car pharmacy. Please tell us your favorite logo design. Related: 40...

50 Best Corporate Logo Design examples from around the world - part 2
Corporate Logo Design : A well designed logo allows your business to create an impact on customers. Logos are necessary for brand identity and it helps to establish your business. Most logos speak for themselves; the images are similar to the products for example football companies will have football as their logo designs. In this...

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages

15 Creative Indian Movie Poster Designs in Different Languages
Indian movie poster designs of 2019 are an interesting watch. Kollywood, Tollywood, Bollywood cinemas have huge fan follow base. Indian celebrities have a special fanfare and are literally treated like royals. Take a look at these Indian movie poster designs, you can see the confidence and the overall theme of the story. Some of...

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo

Surrealistic and impressive photomontages by Luisa Azevedo
Luisa Azevedo a teenager from the beautiful sea side of Portugal is a talented artist who discovers the unknown side of realism. She tends to create simple collages to fascinating worlds of uncertainity which is thought provoking and playful. The sharp cutting which she uses on her subjects at interesting angles, beckons the...

50 Creative Brochure Design Ideas for your inspiration

50 Creative Brochure Design Ideas for your inspiration
Creative Brochure Design Ideas : Brochures are an integral part of any business. Brochure designs have to be crisp and bold to the viewer, because it just takes a flick of a moment to catch the eyes of a potential customer. To live upto the digital demands of today's world, graphic designers are expected to come up with brochure...

40 Professional Free Business Card Templates with source files - Download PSD AI EPS

business card template
Business Card Templates: Designing your business cards in a very trendy fashion and making it memorable would help your identity to stay out of the trash bin after you the end of your discussion. Business cards are the most effective offline way to promote and advertise your business. Your Business card speaks for as brand and they...

35 Inspirational Quotes and Posters Design examples for your inspiration

Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams. So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 25 inspirational quotes, posters about life / sports / love. i hope you will like these inspiring quotes...

Creative 3D Icon Set - PNG - Download-attached zip

Creative 3D Icon Set - PNG - Download-attached zip
Icons guide us through the world of internet. Technical words are not required for moving your way around computers. If you need to print a document, you just look for the printer symbol, or if you want to check your mail, you just click on the envelope symbol. Icons are created according to their basic functionality. Here are some...

20 Creative and Colorful Graphic illustrations and Photo manipulations for your inspiration

20 Creative and Colorful Graphic illustrations and Photo manipulations for your inspiration
Photo manipulation : You have got my colors all over your face. Adhemas was given free reign to explore his vibrant and colorful style through concepts, designs and illustrations. When the site launched in 2005, it received worldwide exposure and resulted in a number of prestigious advertising and design awards. At the age of...

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1

Logo Design Inspiration for Moon concept1
Today i am sharing some inspired logo design in moon concept. It must be helpful for everyone to see the different approch of designers. Please share with your friends to reach all the designers.

15 Best Website Designers in India - Creative Web Designers List

Website Designers India
Website Designers India: Web designers make the internet a happy place for many business owners. Despite their hardwork and brilliant creativity, not many website designers are known to the world. Have you wondered who are the best website designers in India. Well we have put togethere a list of 15 Top and Best Indian website...