Creative Building Exterior Design ideas by Marta Colmenero

Building Illustration Idea: Marta Colmenero, spanish designer has created an amazing set of illustrations which showcases the brutalist architecture across the globe. The illustrations highlight some of the most famous Brutalist landmarks, including the Barbican in London, Marseille’s Unite d Habitation and Habitat 67 in Montreal.
Colmenero has designed the series of colourful, poster-style illustrations for insurance comparison site,' Go Compare' for its Concrete Feats project, which looks to celebrate the beauty of Brutalism in architecture. Done in a vintage style with vivid colors, the illustrations add some extra life to these concrete monoliths.

Have a peek at the samples, you can also check out more at


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Creative Building Exterior Design ideas by Marta Colmenero Building Illustration Idea: Marta Colmenero, spanish designer has created an amazing set of illustrations which showcases the brutalist architecture across the globe. The illustrations highlight some