15 Stunning Abstract Oil Paintings by Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado started oil painting at a very young age. He is a mexican artist and he enjoys sharing an emotion through his oil paintings. Most of his oil paintings consist of lines, dashes, geometric patterns which are wound up in a particular fashion to create his emotion. On first look at his oil paintings, one may not understand the paintings, but the paintings are more like an abstract illusion, which seems to grow on you. We can see a touch of surrealism, fantasy and abstract techniques mied in his paintings and that's a unique trait for his work. We would say this artist has taken the whole concept of lines and dashes to a new level. He draws inspiration from what he sees and feels on his paintings and let me tell you, they are simply wow and you keep wanting more of his paintings. Apart from oil paintings, he is into digital painting too.

Painting love by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting pray by eduardo rodríguez calzadoPainting hope by eduardo rodríguez calzado Oil painting pixels eduardo rodríguez calzado Oil painting pixels eduardo rodríguez calzado Oil painting tree life by eduardo rodríguez calzado Oil painting waves by eduardo rodríguez calzado Oil painting lady by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting lunar eclipse by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting spiral by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting flame by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting pray by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting chakras by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting horse by eduardo rodríguez calzado Painting flame by eduardo rodríguez calzado

Know more about Eduardo, visit website | behance | facebook


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15 Stunning Abstract Oil Paintings by Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado started oil painting at a very young age. He is a mexican artist and he enjoys sharing an emotion through his oil paintings. Most of his oil paintings consist of lines,