30 HyperRealistic and Mind-Blowing Oil Paintings by Roberto Bernardi1

Roberto Bernardi was born in Todi (Italy) on the 18th of May 1974. He started to paint at a very young age and his first works in oils date back to the first half of the eighties. He dedicated his studies to the learning of pictorial techniques which would have a significant influence on his artistic formation. In 1993 after his leaving school examinations in a science liceo, he moved to Rome where he worked as a restorer in the church of San Francesco a Ripa. After an initial foray with landscapes and portraits, Bernardi turned towards a totally new kind of realism closely associated to Photorealism (Hyperrealism).
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30 HyperRealistic and Mind-Blowing Oil Paintings by Roberto Bernardi1 Roberto Bernardi was born in Todi (Italy) on the 18th of May 1974. He started to paint at a very young age and his first works in oils date back to the first half of the eighties. He dedicated his