25 Magical Realism Oil Paintings and Realistic Still life paintings by Alex Alemany

Realistic Still life paintings : Realism (and in some works hyperrealism) Alex Alemany, was drifting towards an unmistakable style, the result of personal introspection, gradually distancing the coldness of other realistic concepts, relatives of photography as American realism. The work of Alex Alemany is a link between the literary and the pictorial. Looking back over his own sensations, feelings and concepts, communicated to us with the credibility of your precious art, making us partakers of the climate of the box and identify with the things that he tells us: poetic metaphors and images of the bottom of subconscious and the dream world. From deep poetic content, elements and figures of his works are treated with "poetic license" and the symbols used are of such subtlety, which capture the viewer, encouraging him the ability to interpret. i hope you will like these Realistic Still life paintings,

25 Magical Realism Oil Paintings and Realistic Still life paintings by Alex Alemany

painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting painting


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