50 Best Surreal Paintings and Art works from Top artists

Surreal Paintings

We have listed creative and Stunning Surreal Paintings and Art works from top artists around the world. Surrealism is an art movement which started in 1920's and it opened up whole new door of possibilities to many creative artists. Surreal Art works allow the artists to bring out the creativity in a way which is totally non-existent. Most of the surreal paintings do not mean anything and the art reveals the talented subconscious mind of the artists.Giorgio de Chirico an Italian artist was one of the first surreal artists and he founded the school of Metaphysical Art which serves as a Library for future surreal artists. Did you know that famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali made Surrealist films? The most popular surrealist paintings of all time are - The Persistance of Memory from Salvador Dali, Guernica by Pablo Picasso, The Treachery of Images by Rene Magritte, The Son of Man by Rene Magritte, Golconda by Rene Magritte are to name a few.

Top & Famous Surreal artists are,

surreal painting by vladimir kush surreal painting by vladimir kush forest surreal painting by kevin sloan fruits surreal painting by kevin sloan the temptation surreal painting by salvador dali penguin surreal painting by kevin sloan surreal painting by jim warren surreal painting by jim warren surreal paintings by salvador dali surreal painting by paul david bond 15 Surreal paintings by bruno pontiroli surreal painting by michael cheval surreal Illustrations by igor morski surreal art by ohmuller gyuri mountain surreal painting by ignacio nazabal surreal painting by jim warren birds surreal painting by kevin sloan time surreal art by ohmuller gyuri surreal painting by vladimir kush advices surreal art by ohmuller gyuri surreal painting by jim warren surreal art by ohmuller gyuri

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50 Best Surreal Paintings and Art works from Top artists We have listed creative and Stunning Surreal Paintings and Art works from top artists around the world. Surrealism is an art movement which started in 1920's and it opened up whole new door of