30 Stunning Watercolor Paintings by Pondicherry artist Rajkumar Sthabathy

Watercolor paintings: This Indian Pondicherry artist speaks very little and located a little away from the international Auroville, he brings the essence of India through his best watercolor painting. Rajkumar said in his blog,"Understanding me is impossible except when I spontaneous paint as I flow like water…maybe called as “The Water Color”!!!I lose coherence and harmony if I just be an art catalyst without being affected from my contemporary events and time….Rajkumar Sthabathy. I consider that this is my Voice!...., my Language!..., and my Signature!! I hope you will like these Watercolor Paintings.

30 Stunning Watercolor Paintings by Pondicherry artist Rajkumar Sthabathy

Watercolor painting by Pondicherry Artist rajkumar sthabathywatercolor painting Watercolor painting by Pondicherry Artist rajkumar sthabathywatercolor painting Watercolor painting by Pondicherry Artist rajkumar sthabathywatercolor painting Watercolor painting by Pondicherry Artist rajkumar sthabathywatercolor painting

Watercolor painting by Pondicherry Artist rajkumar sthabathywatercolor painting Indian watercolor painting by rajkumar sthabathyindian watercolor painting Indian watercolor painting by rajkumar sthabathyindian watercolor painting

Indian watercolor painting by rajkumar sthabathyindian watercolor painting India watercolor painting by rajkumar sthabathyindia watercolor painting India watercolor painting by sthabathyindia watercolor painting Kumbh mela watercolor painting by sthabathykumbh mela watercolor painting Pondicherry paintings by sthabathyindian watercolor painting Pondicherry paintings by sthabathyindian watercolor painting Pondicherry paintings by sthabathyindian watercolor painting Kumbh mela watercolor painting by sthabathykumbh mela watercolor painting Tamilnadu watercolor painting by sthabathytamilnadu watercolor painting Pondicherry paintings by sthabathyanimals watercolor painting Tamilnadu watercolor painting by sthabathytamilnadu watercolor painting Pondicherry paintings by sthabathyindian watercolor painting Pondicherry painting by sthabathyindian watercolor painting Rickshaw watercolor painting by sthabathyrickshaw watercolor painting Watercolor painting by sthabathywatercolor painting Kumbh mela painting by sthabathykumbh mela painting

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Tag : Rajkumar Sthabathy, Pondicherry Artist, Pondicherry Paintings
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30 Stunning Watercolor Paintings by Pondicherry artist Rajkumar Sthabathy Watercolor paintings: This Indian Pondicherry artist speaks very little and located a little away from the international Auroville, he brings the essence of India through his best watercolor