My Divine Beauty - Inspiring Speed Painting Video

My Divine Beauty - Inspiring Speed Painting Video

The artist "Insane51" suddenly is waked up by an odd dream, finding himself clueless and literally landed on a deserted place. Covered by lots of useless stuff and scrap papers, he gets up finding near him some spray cans, but also a unique item, a draft drawing. Instantly the power within rises, ordering him to represent it immediately. Picking up the first spray can, Insane51 is teleported to a journey that we invite you to watch.

"Insane51" is a young grafitti artist, born in Athens in 1992. Beginning in his childhood he showed great interest in art and installations. As a teenager Insane51 traveled around the city to discover the fascination of the imposing walls of massive structures. His first mural was achieved in 2006, while his works are based on portraits using experimental techniques and colors. A student of Fine Arts nowadays, Insane51 specializes in photorealism and character creation on empty walls. Despite the young of his age, Insane51 posseses such great talent, that will probably drive you insane through his works!

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