Jackson Open Painting Contest is now open for entries | 16 March 2018

Painting: Jackson's Open Painting is currently in it's third year and it welcome entries in 2d painting, print making or drawing. It's an annual competition and the winner takes home $13,532 USD as cash prize and an international recognition. Selected paintings will receive a physical painting exhibition at the Hampstead Affordable Art Fair in London which will be held in May 2018. Artists from all over the world can participate in this contest and entries will be accepted till 16th March 2018. The first round of judging will be on March 30th and around 380 fine artworks will be selected which will be on permanent display online and the second the round of judging, people's choice award list will be from the existing list. Artists can choose any theme based on the following six categories:

Jackson Open Painting Contest is now open for entries | 16 March 2018
  • Portrait/Figure
  • Animals
  • Still life/Botanical
  • Non-representational Abstract
  • Landscape/Cityscape/Seascape
  • Scenes of Everyday Life

Winner from each category will receive $676 USD. The winner from the people's choice award will win $2706 USD and the Grand prize winner 'Jackson's Open Painting' winner will receive $6766 USD. There is an entry of $6.77 USD per artwork and participants can submit upto 5 entries.

Winners from previous years competition:
Eniola sokalu painting winner by mark roscoeeniola sokalu painting winner Greydrift painting winner by graham crowleygreydrift painting winner Diccion painting winner by paula nahmeddiccion painting winner Gorge winning painting by max naylorgorge winning painting

entries here jacksonspaintingprize

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Jackson Open Painting Contest is now open for entries | 16 March 2018 Painting: Jackson's Open Painting is currently in it's third year and it welcome entries in 2d painting, print making or drawing. It's an annual competition and the winner takes home $13,532 USD as